Become A Sponsor of the F3N 5K and Kids Run
With F3 Naperville’s 1,000+ followers on each major social media platform sponsors can expect to receive some fun and exciting announcements and shout-outs leading all the way up to the event! Help us reach our fundraising goal while getting notice in the F3 Community.
Title Sponsorship Level: $5,000
- Adult Race Titled after Sponsors Name
- Present Finisher Medals
- Logo and URL on Race Website and F3 Naperville Website – referenced as “Presented by” on all advertisements
- Company Logo on Race Photos/Videos
- On-Site Marketing
- Social Media Announcements via F3 Naperville posts and announcements
- 5 Registrations
Platinum Sponsorship Level: $2,500
- Up to 3 Complimentary Race Registrations
- On-Site Marketing
- Social Media Announcements via F3 Naperville posts and announcements
Gold Sponsorship Level: $1,000
- Up to 2 Complimentary Race Registrations
- On-Site Marketing
- Social Media Announcements via F3 Naperville posts and announcements
Silver Sponsorship Level: $500
- 1 Complimentary Race Registrations
- On-Site Marketing
- Social Media Announcements via F3 Naperville posts and announcements
Bronze Sponsorship Level: $250
- Social Media Announcements via F3 Naperville posts and announcements
Click Here To Become A Sponsor Today. Once your sponsorship is received you will be invoiced for your contribution.