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The Need for Speed

Sat August 30, 2014 Mansfield, OH 44906 US Directions

Kids' race

Kids under 10 can join the fun. If they are not up to run the full 5k then they can race one another around the short South Park loop. Each participant signed up by 8/23/14 will receive a little prize.
Please have your little racer signed in by 8:00am on race day and to the kids' starting line by 8:15am.
Open to ages 4 - 12.
Start Time:
8:30am EDT
End Time:
8:45am EDT
Online Registration is Closed

Online pre-registration is closed. Register day of race at race site, $20 minimum donation to run.

The Need for Speed 5k

The race will begin in South Park and will then take the runners/walkers through surrounding neighborhoods. Expect a few hills and if running with little ones beware of traffic as some of the route is on the road.
Each participant signed up and paid by Aug 9th will receive a t-shirt.
On race day: sign in will begin at 7:45 am. Please sign in by 8:30 and be at the start line by 8:50am.
**If you did not register yet and still want to run--come on out anyway--you can sign-up to run same day as the race for a $20 minimum donation**
Start Time:
9:00am EDT
Online Registration is Closed

Online pre-registration is closed. Register day of race at race site, $20 minimum donation to run.

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