New Date and Event
New Date: April 12th 2025
We will be holding a fun color Run for the whole family this year. It will not be professionally timed, and will be more cost effective for the whole family.
Here Are Your Options:
Run, walk, or march your way through the 9th Annual Band On The Run 5K fundraiser for the New Smyrna Beach High School Barracuda Band, held on the beautiful campus of New Smyrna Beach High School! Funds from this event will support the Band & Color Guard students in the NSBHS Barracuda Band.
Our NEW COURSE is a cross-country style course, with some running on grassy areas, and not completely on asphalt and concrete! Register now and join us for this exciting race! We look forward to seeing you there!
T-shirts guaranteed to all runners/walkers who are registered by Feb. 2, 2024.
Come out & join us on a great course, while helping to support the Superior Rated NSB High School Barracuda Band!
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
NEW SMYRNA BEACH HIGH SCHOOL, 1015 10th St., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168.
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Race Participant Survey
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