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Thu December 24 - Sun January 3 Orlando, FL 32819 US



Welcome to Fast Triathlon Santa Claus Challenge!

We are kicking off the Santa Claus Challenge December 24th, 2020 until January 3rd, 2021. 

Santa and his elves are busy preparing for the Holidays and wnat to make sure everyone takes care of themselves and stay safe during this Holiday Season!

Put a new spin on your Holidays this year and challenge yourself.....a great way to work out, stay in shape and avoid adding on those extra pounds. Challenge your family and friends live or virtual....this is not a competition but a challenge for everyone to stay healthy!

Swimming: every distance you swim will be multiplied by 10

Biking: every distance you ride will be multiplied by 1 

Running: every distance you run will be multiplied by 3 

( Meters or yards, miles or kilometers are accepted, we will make the conversions and the total amount will be added in miles)

Every time you train during this Challenge, just email us your results to Only 50 slots available and the registrants will receive a Fast Triathlon VR medal and a personalized Fast Triathlon mask.  

When & Where

When: from December 24th, 2020 to January 3rd, 2021.

Where: Anywhere you are located in the world.


go to event info

Registrations are FREE!

Referral rewards

If you refer 5 to 10 friends, you will receive a tech T-Shirt 

If you refer from 11 to 15 friends, you will receive a tech T-Shirt plus a mask

If you refer over 16-friends, you will receive a tech T-Shirt, a mask and a visor. 

Race Contact Info:


Optional Bundle

If would like to have a competition swag (with t-shirt + mask + medal), you can order at (for a special price of $39.99).

To be the "Fastest Triathlete", you must be resilient, resistant and have a strategy when competing in three rounds of swimming, cycling, and running.

The tactic used by the athlete during the rest period between each round is a determining factor in the race. The winner is the one who has the shortest time in total for three rounds, generating much anticipation of the final decision.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


7350 Futures Drive
Orlando, FL US 32819

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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