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Fast Triathlon Santa Claus Challenge

Thu December 24 - Sun January 3 Orlando, FL 32819 US

Eliminate the “Buts” in Your Life


Eliminate the “Buts” in Your Life

Stop making excuses and get more done!

The #1 thing to do to improve your training and racing: 

You know we all like the "magic pill" or the "ultimate workout" or any single thing we can do to improve our training and racing.

Well, guess what ? I have one !!!

Best way to improve your training or racing is by eliminating the "But" in your life!

For most of us, our lives have way too many "Buts" :

* I was going to swim BUT....

* I could go harder BUT...

* My diet can be better BUT.....

* I'm sorry I did that, BUT…

This little word “But” is used to cover up a lot of nonsense, and is almost always followed by an excuse. When you hear yourself saying the word “BUT”, it actually wipes out everything that you have said before.  Always remember... "If you really want to do something, you'll find a way; if you don't, you'll find an excuse."

Whatever the excuse is, it really does not matter and no one cares!! You are the only one affected by your excuse, not anyone else!  The next time you find yourself saying something then the word “BUT” follows ...pause, ask yourself what you really are trying to say...are you making an excuse or justifying something to yourself? Is there a real reason you can't do what you set out to? Or is it self-sabotage showing up as hidden excuses? Taking this moment to ask these questions will likely help stop the “BUT” cycle, and get you where you want to be much faster. It takes practice, but take the “BUT” off the table and see how much more you can achieve! 

Get rid of the "BUTS" and get faster, stronger & healthier!

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