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2020 Virtual Falcon 5K Challenge presented by Ferman Automotive & CPPI

Sat November 21 - Sun November 29 Anywhere, FL 00000 US

Sponsorship Benefits

If you would like to further support Pepin Academies’ mission to empower students with learning disabilities, please consider sponsoring our first annual Falcon 5K Challenge! Serving nearly 1,200 students in Hillsborough and Pasco counties, the funds raised from the challenge will directly benefit and support our COVID-19 enhancements and protocols that we have implemented for the safety and well-being of our students and staff for the 2020-2021 school year.

Your generous sponsorship will help advance our therapeutic educational environment for our students while they maximize their potential and find their sense of belonging. We also invite you to visit the campuses and see how your donation impacts the lives of our students and staff.

If you would like to sponsor or schedule a tour, please contact Kaitlyn Gardner at Thank you for your consideration to support Pepin Academies and we look forward to meaningful partnership!

**Disclaimer: If you submit online payment through RunSignUp, a processing transaction fee will be charged which will also include your company's race participation application fee. Please reach out to the email above for other payment options.


  • Registration for one company team or individual participants (up to 10)
  • Company logo on race t-shirts & race bibs
  • Company logo included on race website banner, race participant packets, Facebook cover photo, email newsletters & all other communication efforts
  • Social media recognition & virtual video speaking opportunity
  • Company marketing/branded promotional products included in race swag bags


  • Registration for one company team or individual participants (up to six)
  • Company logo included on race website, race participant packets, email newsletters & all other communication efforts
  • Social media recognition & virtual video speaking opportunity
  • Company marketing/branded promotional products included in race swag bags


  • Registration for two individual participants
  • Company logo included on race website, race participant packets, email newsletters & all other communication efforts
  • Social media recognition on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram


  • Company logo included on race website, race participant packets, email newsletters & all other communication efforts
  • Social media recognition on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

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