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After Party

FH5K After Party

9 am - 11 am, Nagel Middle School Track (Top of Hill)

Join us after the 5K or stop by as a community member/family. Entertainment, free food/drinks and over 70 organizations/businesses ready to connect with you!



10 am
ages 2 and under
ages 3-4
ages 5-7
Mascot Games


Learn more about the Forest Hills School District and the outstanding programs, resources and opportunities available to students. In addition, another 70+ local businesses will be ready to connect with you and your family – you might even get to participate in a game at the booth!


And let’s not forget about some fun entertainment – from a DJ, free food and drinks and student performances from the choir and band – it’s going to be a quite the party!


Kids ages 1 to 7 can participate in the Fun Run. Stick around for the popular FHSD Mascot Musical Chairs! Who will take home the trophy?
Thanks to Amy B Real Estate for providing bags for all participants to collect lots of great information/giveaways as you visit the booths.


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