Skylar's Run - Clean Water 5K
Skylar's Run - Clean Water 1/2 Mile "Walk & Roll"
Skylar's Run - Clean Water 1/2 Mile "Water Carry"
Skylar's Run - Clean Water 5K - Virtual Runner
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
3855 Fence Rd NE
Auburn, GA US 30011
Everyday in East Africa, women and children walk an average of 5 kilometers to retrieve water for their families that is often unclean and unsafe for human use. Skylar's Run Clean Water 5K race is focused on bringing awareness that Safe, Clean Water IS a solvable problem. Race headliner, Skylar Gwin, and his father, Paul, will be leading the wheelchair accessible "Walk & Roll" event as a testimony to the fact that EVERYONE can be part of the clean water solution, no matter their age or abilities.
All funds raised through this event are used to provide sustainable water filters for vulnerable families in Kenya. This designation most often applies to those with limited means who have young children, elderly, physically disabled, or chronically ill family members. These populations are most susceptible to water-born illnesses.
This event is a 5K Run/Walk, Water Carry, or Walk & Roll event for the WHOLE FAMILY!! We will have music, a free raffle for race participants, a photobooth, handcrafted Kenya items for purchase, children's water education activities, and much more fun!!!
Race Details:
- Sign-in at park will begin at 7:30 am
- All events will begin at 8:30 am
- Registration includes t-shirt for participant, raffle ticket and post race drinks & snacks
- 5K Race is a Certified Peachtree Qualifier
Awards: 5K Race Medals for Top 3 Timed Finishers in each age/gender category (5K). 5K Race Trophies will be awarded for Overall Top 3 Finishers - Men and Top 3 Finishers - Women; "Walk & Roll" and "Water Carry" events will not be timed but all registrants will receive participation medals.
Join us for this amazing event and make an "IMPACT BEYOND THE FINISH LINE"!!
Race Contact Info
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