1850 East Montgomery Crossroad
Savannah, GA US 31406
Georgia is among the most dangerous states for pregnant women in the country. Thus, it important to start the conversation with women on how to advocate for themselves in the doctors office and in the delivery room. This charity race's goal is to raise funds for economically vulnerable women and their babies to receive high-quality maternal and infant care and to start the conversation about maternal health. We will begin the morning with a 5K race followed by a FREE family health day event. You do not have to attend the race in order to attend the free family health day event! Until then, you can visit our FAQs page to get answers to the commonly asked questions! See you there!
Family Health Day
This event is more than just a 5K race! We are bringing families together to enjoy health focused activities from 10:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m. . This event will include :
Local community organizations
Free health screenings
Free giveaways for new mothers
Free parking is available and instructions will be sent out after you have completed your registration.
5K and Family Fun Day Photos
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.