- Q: I want more information about GE Vernova matching, where can I find more information?
- A: Check out our GE Vernova Matching Information section, with step by step information!
- Q: I am not really a runner but I am active, what kind of activities count as a workout?
- A: Any kind of physical activity will count, but only counts if you log it in Strava. It could be hiking, walking the dog around the block, just walking while you eat an ice cream, doing one of the workout from the Power Station at home, biking, etc. The idea is for you to have at least 30 min of daily activity.
- Q: What if I do an activity that is 2 hrs long, does that count as 4 - 30 min workouts, do I get 4 points for my team? Or what if I run in the morning and run in the afternoon, that is 2 points right?
- A: No, there is a max of 1 point per person per day. We have automated our tracking process, so if you workout 29 min, it won't count, but 30 or 31 min means you got your daily point. We also don't want you to over do it and possibly hurt yourself
- Q: How do I make sure my workouts count for my team?
- A: We are automating our tracking process, so you need to be a registered participant and be part of a Strava team for your workout to count. Please make sure your registration name and your Strava name match. Due to privacy restrictions in Strava, your activities can only be counted if you have made them public in the privacy setting in strava.
- Q: What if 2 teams have maxed out on their total points?
- A: In this case the tie breaker for the training competition winner will be the team that has donated the most amount of money per person, so keep your donations coming!
- Q: When do my workouts start count for the training competition?
- A: August 26 through September 22.
- Q: Do I have to actually run the race?
- Not really, we are okay if you decide to be a "sleeper", meaning a person that registered/donated, and decides to not be a walker/runner. We are here for some bragging rights, some fun swag and supporting STEM students.
- Q: I'm confused, so when is the actual race?
- A: Distribution of pins/t-shirts (limited supply) will happen sometime near the end of the training competition at the GE Vernova's Greenville campus. More details to follow.
- Q: When can I start donating?
- A: You can start donating NOW! Donations will no longer be received for this race on Oct 2.
- Q: I want to "purchase" a workout point, how do I do it?
- A: We are no longer allowing workout points to be purchased. However, there is still the competition for the team that wins the most - so continue to donate!
- Q: Can I switch teams or the team I signed up for is my final team?
- A: You can switch teams, no problem. Just make sure you switch on both the RunSignup Team and the Strava Team.
- Q: How will we know how our team is doing?
- A: We will send out progress emails: there will be some emails going on before August 26, and from August 26 through September 22 there will be a weekly email. The email will show the workout points for the week and running total, as well as funds raised for that week and total per team. By doing this, each team will know where do they stand against other teams.
- Q: I registered for several distances and now my team has exceeded the maximum number, what can I do?
- A: Nothing is wrong! Because of how the website works, it doesn't consolidate people to the number of registrations. During our weekly updates we will keep an eye on that, and even if the team is bigger that expected, all points are awarded as average for the the team with bonus points applied for bigger team (see more info about on the main event description page)
- Q: I got removed from my team, what happened?
- A: If you got completely removed from your team it might have been an error, so please reach out to your captain and our race coordinators to have this promptly fixed.
- Q: I'm not located in Greenville SC, can I still race?
- A: YES, this is the magic of a virtual race, it can be run anywhere! For the logistics of the pins/shirts, see the question below.
- Q: I can't pick up my pin/shirt in Greenville SC, what can I do?
- A: Per team, we will ship in bulk to a US location so you can pick up your pin/shirt, ideally a GE office but this can change as we are aware of how every GE site is reopening differently. Team captains have also been known to ship to individuals not located close to a GE site. Please talk to your team captain to have a better understanding about shipping logistics.
- Q: When can I pick up my pin/shirt/medal?
- A: We will have an in-person window on September 26th from 3pm-5pm. More details on this in-person event to come later. Distribution of pins will happen at this time as well. Shirts will be available for pickup during the in-person event, and will be shipped shortly for non-Greenville teams, shortly after the race window closes.
- Q: In my Strava team I see "GE WN Admin", do I need to do something?
- A: The admin is us so that we can run the tracking of the progress of each team. If you see a follow request for the admin, please accept so that your privacy settings won't prevent us from recording your progress
- Q: Can I upload Apple Watch/Smart Watch workouts to Strava?
- A: Yes you can! You can record and upload activities from your Apple Watch to Strava. Once you have completed a workout, make sure to upload it into Strava. This link includes instructions for how to link Apple Health Data to Strava.
- Q: My team is not showing in the leaderboard, it this is a mistake?
- A: We consider a team a group of 3+ people. If your team only has 1 or 2 people, then it is not considered a team, and will not be in the leaderboard.
- Q: My question is not here, who can I do? Who do I reach out to?
- A: For any questions not answered here, please contact Emily Mormile (Emily.Mormile@ge.com) or Dave Runkel (Christopher.Runkel@ge.com), we will be "happy" to help and likely post your question and have it answered here for everyone