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Gateway Virtual Track Series

Mon May 4 - Sun May 31 Ballwin, MO 63011 US


Q: What is a virtual meet and how does it work?

A: A virtual meet is similar to a traditional meet except the participant completes their events entirely on their own. There is not a specific required location that the event must be completed nor a mandatory time. A virtual meet creates positive motivation by helping everyone get outside running to stay active and healthy. Results, photos, and videos will be submitted on Twitter to create a positive environment allowing for safe competition to take place. We encourage all competitors, family members, coaches, and friends to take part in the social media interaction in the effort to create a virtual meet-like experience for all the athletes. 


Q: What is the cost?

A: The cost for each individual meet is $8, but you can also sign up for all four meets at once at a discounted rate of $30.


Q: When can I participate?

A: Each meet has a set period of time for the competition period. You can compete at any time during the meet's respective competition window.


Q: What if I missed the competition window?

A: Just as if you missed your event during a regular meet, you will be marked as DNS. No late performances or submissions will be accepted.


Q: Why are Missouri teams the city and mascot, and not just the high school?

A: Even though the season was entirely canceled, all athletes are still technically enrolled in their respective school during the time frame of the season. MSHSAA does not allow athletes to compete under your school during the season for anything other than the regular MSHSAA sporting events.


Q: What if I don't have a Twitter account to submit results?

A: Your parents can also submit your performance to Twitter on your behalf. They are required to clearly include the following information for each: Your name, your virtual team, your event completed, and your performance mark. You can also simply email us your performance marks along with the required photo/video proof to However, we ask that you only email your results if you do not in fact have a Twitter account. We wish to create a virtual meet-like experience for all athletes through social media to help foster a positive and competitive environment for you, your teammates, your parents, your friends, your coaches, and everyone wanting to show their support.


Q: What if I don't have access to a track?

A: All performance submissions are required to be completed on a track. If you do not have access to a close facility you may have to take a drive to find one where you can safely compete. At no time are you permitted to break into a closed facility to complete this requirement. This is why each meet's competition window will remain open for an entire week.


Q: Can I run with my teammates?

A: No. Not unless you live in the same household you are not allowed to compete/run/pace/participate together. We will follow all social-distancing guidelines at all times.


Q: Can I invite my coach out to be there with me when I compete?

A: No. Per MSHSAA ruling coaches are not allowed to be in contact with their athletes until school lets out.


Q: Why are the meets being scored through 16 places?

A: We wish to create as much opportunity as possible for student-athletes to score and represent their Gateway Virtual Track Series team. With there only being 6 scoring events per division as compared to the normal amount during a meet which consists of 19, we have chosen to double the depth each event scores to maintain equal opportunity.


Q: What if I'm an elementary/middle school or collegiate athlete and would like to compete as well? What do I do?

A: Reach out to us and let us know your interested! If we receive enough feedback and momentum, who knows, we may just end up doing another series for non-high school athletes.


Q: What if there are other members of the general public at the track in lane 1 when I'm there trying to compete?

A: You must still abide by all social-distancing guidelines as all times. You are not permitted to ask them to leave. You can either choose to run with them there and pass in the far lane as far away from them as possible, wait till the track is all clear, come back later, or find a different facility.


Q: With the downhill course requirements does that mean "net" or can't include any downhill even if there's also uphill?

A: The net elevation change can be now less than zero. There can be both uphill, and downhill portions on a course only if the total net elevation change is greater than or equal to zero.


Q: Do you have to form a team are they scored individually also?


A: No, during the registration phase you will asked to join a virtual meet team (your city and high school mascot). All teams have already been uploaded to the platform for you so you simply have to select the correct corresponding one. Every single athlete which registers will automatically be on a team able to compete even if they are the only one signed up on that team. There is no minimums number required.


Q: How do we time the events?


A: With a stop watch, or app on your phone. No meet will have official FAT times, they will all simply be hand timed by each individual athlete or by a member of their household kind enough to be there and time the competition for them.


Q: What if my high school and my city are the same? What do I use for the virtual series as a team?

A: All team options have been pre-loaded into the registration platform for you already. Your high school and city are technically different, example: Kirkwood High School Pioneers is not the same as the Kirkwood Pioneers virtual team using the hometown and not the high school.

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