Race Rules
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.

All participants and volunteers must provide accurate information, including age, gender, and emergency contact information when filling out the event registration/application.
A participant may not change or add a team affiliation after the announced cut-off date.
Each participant and volunteer must sign an event waiver before participating in the event as part of the registration process. Participants and volunteers under 18 years of age must have the applicant wavier signed by a parent or legal guardian.
All participants are responsible for knowing the race’s start time. All participants must be present at the appointed time to receive instructions and to participate in the official start of the race in order to register an official finish time.
All participants must be capable of completing the full race distance, start line to finish line, within the announced event time limit, under their own power.
Participants outside of the time limit may not be recorded or published as official finishers, receive on-course support from aid stations and traffic safety personnel, or be allowed to complete the full race distance. KTC reserves the right to set cutoff times at known points and participants not meeting the cutoff time(s) will not be allowed to continue.
No one may participate in a race without wearing the officially issued race number bib or timing chip registered to the wearer.
The race number bib must be unmodified, unfolded, and conspicuously visible on the front (and back when applicable) of a participant’s running attire at all times while on the race course.
Participant race number bibs or timing chips are specific personal identifiers. The sale, gift or any other transfer of race number bibs or timing chips is strictly prohibited. Penalties for Violation (see below) will apply to all individuals involved (transferor and transferee).
A participant shall not (i) wear or carry the race number bib or timing chip of another person, (ii) transfer, give, buy, or sell entry into a KTC event, (iii) otherwise permit any other individual to wear or transport his or her race number bib or timing chip during the race or (iv) wear or transport two or more race number bib or timing chips during the event.
All participants and volunteers are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner during their participation in the event.
At all times during the event, participants and volunteers will act with due consideration of the safety and rights of other participants and volunteers. Regardless of the circumstances or competitive disadvantage, no participant or volunteers will commit any act that endangers any participant or volunteer. Participants and volunteers shall not intentionally obstruct, impede or interfere with the forward progress of a participant.
Participants must follow directions and instructions as given from all event officials including KTC staff, event staff, volunteers, course marshals, medical personnel, security officers and city officials throughout the duration of the event.
Racers, crew, and staff must not litter, mar, or pollute the landscape or environment.
If during the race, you encounter another runner or staff member who is injured or
sick and unable to move on their own, give priority to assisting that person by telling
race staff for assistance.
All emergency evacuation costs for participants or crews will be borne by that person
or their heirs. The Knoxville Track Club is in no way liable or responsible for
emergency evacuation.
Except where expressly allowed (i.e. some ultra distance events, kids races), non-
registered racers may not run alongside racers. (No unofficial pacers allowed).
In the instances where pacers are allowed, absolutely no physical or mechanical aid
may be given by the pacer to assist the runner, and no food, fluids, or supplies of any kind may be carried for the runner; only one pacer at a time may accompany each runner. Each pacer must sign the same event waiver as race participants.
All participants are responsible for knowing the race course.
Participants must stay within course boundaries, as designated by barriers, road
edges/curbs, traffic cones, delineation, and/or other markings.
Participants are responsible for recognizing and understanding event signage and
symbols relating to participant maps, facilities and directions.
If you must leave the course, rejoin it only at the point at which you exited. No
participant, after leaving the course, will be allowed to rejoin the race either for the
purpose of gaining a place or to pace or to assist another participant.
Any participant who has been found to have gained an unfair advantage by
shortening the route of the race (“Course-Cutting”) will be disqualified from the
event and/or banned from future KTC events.
A determination of Course-Cutting may include review of eye-witness reports,
split/checkpoint times, race photography, surveillance equipment and video, GPS tracking reports, or by any other method.
Penalty for Violations:
A participant’s or volunteer’s failure to follow these rules, as may be amended, may result in KTC taking any of the following actions: immediate disqualification from the event, loss of prizes, removal from official results and/or ban from future KTC events.
Amendments / reservations / acknowledgements:
KTC reserves the right to modify, supplement or waive all or part of the rules.
Participants and volunteers shall be bound by any modification or supplement of the
rules published prior to the event.
Adopted January 22, 2018