Become a Sponsor
Sponsor Benefits
- Raise Brand Awareness
- Community Relations
- High Visibility
- Demonstration/Display Opportunities
- Product Sampling/Sale Opportunities
- Partner with a charity that reflects your organization’s values
- Give back to the community
- Employee participation and team building
Pre-Event Contact: We would love to work with you to feature your product or business with our racers. There are many ways to be involved and gain exposure, from hosting a packet pick up location or after party, sponsoring a water station (at select events), adding a goody or coupon to the goody bag, providing an in-kind donation/sample for the racers on the course or at the finish line, or setting up a booth on race-day at the expo.
We can feature your business on the event webpage, racer emails or social media! All sponsorship payments must be received before your business is included in any kind of mention or posting.
Please contact our marketing team before the race with any questions:
AJ Benefield
Racer Data: In 2022, we had 211 registered and 156 finished. We've seen between 175 and 650 participants over the past 10 years, oftentimes dependent on the weather and if Valentines Day actually falls on the weekend. These numbers do not include spectators, volunteers or staff that you will also reach!
Historically, over all events:
5% 17 and Under
12% 18-29
23% 30's
27% 40's
28% 50-64
5% 65+
34% Male
66% Female
TENT/TABLE: You will be given approximately 12'x12' of space. Tents and tables are NOT included, however, some of you have already arranged for table/tent rental from 3W Races. In that case, your tent and or table will be set for you at your designated space.
Generally, tent rental is $75 and tables are $10 each to rent for the event. 3W will bring the tent/table, set it up at your designated location and tear it down at the end of the event. If you are interested in this arrangement, please coordinate with us at least one week in advance.
Goody Bag Stuffers: If you have arranged to place something into the Goody Bag, please make sure your 'stuffer' reaches us by the deadline so our volunteers and staff can get it into each racer's goody bag! Items received after the deadline will not be in the goody bag.
DEADLINE for Stuffers: MONDAY Feb 5, 2024
QUANTITY of Stuffers: Please provide 250 items.
LOCATION for Stuffers: Mail goody bag items to 3W Races, 7960 Hollywood St, Commerce City, CO 80504. If you would rather DROP off your items, please coordinate times via email.
City of Arvada Sales Tax: Remember to collect City of Arvada sales tax on any sales at the race day expo. Download the sales tax information and reporting sheet by clicking HERE.
LOAD IN/LOAD OUT: TIME: 8:00-8:30 AM Vendor Set Up, Runners start at 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM is Tear Down. The finish line officially closes when the last runner crosses. Click Here for Racer Schedule
SURFACE: Vendors, you will set up on the grass section; plan accordingly and bring weights or stakes for your tent.
Race Day Contact: Please check in at the 3W Races tent on race day regarding the specific location of your booth space.
Race Director Email: