100 mile Challenge
This 100 mile challenge began with a local police department, the Metro Police Authority of Genesee County, who conducts these fitness challenges to stay in shape. In 2020, the Metro officers and staff ran/walked over 800 miles for childhood cancer awareness month!!! In 2021, they teamed up to compete against their friends at Grand Blanc Township Police Department! The two departments ran/walked 1825.94 miles! The winner by average mileage per participant was Metro Police Department. They took home the Security Credit Union trophy, a pizza lunch-in for the department, and bragging rights for a whole year!
In 2022, we gave our local law enforcement a break and started an inter-camp competition between the four Michigan camps (North, South, Teen, and Siblings). For the last two years, North has pulled out a big win for their campers but South and others are still looking to win!
Anyone can join a Camp/Team to add miles to their total. It is free to participate in the 100 mile challenge but donations are still accepted and encouraged. You can also purchase a shirt & medal to wear on all those runs/walks. Participants must log their miles as the month goes along (no sandbagging). Miles done during standard daily activities does not count (mowing, walking to your desk, etc.). These miles must be intentionally added for Camp Quality! So if you always drive a golf cart and walk the course instead, that is completely acceptable mileage. The camp/team with the most CUMULATIVE miles at the end of the month will win a pizza party for all the kids and volunteers at camp in 2025.
We still have a few of the officers join us in our challenge every year but we want to thank them for all they have done this all for the kids and Childhood Cancer Awareness. We cannot thank them enough for their service and support!
See more about this event on ABC12's website: https://www.abc12.com/2020/09/10/metro-police-authority-officers-running-100-miles-in-september-to-benefit-kids-with-cancer/