Beer Mile

Houston's Beer Mile Championship will take place in conjunction with the Houston Fourth Fest. A challenge of mind, body, and beer enjoyment to test athletes of all skill levels.
All Beer Mile participants must go through at ID check on race morning before being allowed to participate. IDs will be checked at the packet pickup tent which can be found on the north side of the south Vintage Park parking lot noted on the Live Race Site Map linked below. Once checked in, a wristband will be placed on your left or right wrist that must be worn through the duration of the Beer Mile contest. Failure to have a wristband will result in not being able to participate. Please note that even if you picked up your packet early you will still need to go through the ID check on race morning. REMEMBER; NO WRISTBAND, NO PARTICIPATE!
A 1/4 mile loop around the Vintage Park Parking lot allows for a great racing and spectating experience. Athletes will start and finish at the same place the Road Race finishes.
At the start of the race all athletes in the wave will line up at the start line. When the starting horn sounds all athletes in the wave will consume a 12oz can of beer and run the entire 1/4 mile loop back to the start/finish. Once the 1st lap is complete, runners will stop, consume another 12oz can or bottle of beer and then run another loop. This continues until the 4th loop is completed and your official finish time is recorded.
Relay Team will alternate team members for each lap. For the 2-person relay, member 1 will complete the first drink and lap and member 2 will complete the second drink and lap until 4 total laps have been completed. For the 4-person relay, each member will complete 1 drink and 1 lap.
When registering you selected which wave you wanted to start with. You must start with your assigned wave or will be marked as a DQ in results. Each wave will consist of 32 runners (relay teams count as 1).
- Wave 1 - 11:00am start time, limited to solo participants
- Wave 2 - 11:20am start time, limited to solo participants
- Wave 3 - 11:40am start time; solo and relay teams can participate
- Wave 4 - 12:00p start time; solo and relay teams can participate
Additional waves will be added as needed.
For details about the race schedule please click HERE.
For packet pickup details please click HERE.
All registered participants will receive the following at packet pickup
- Custom Beer Mile bib
- Free race photos
- Sponsor goodies
- Finisher medal
- Access to the Post-Race Celebration
All Beer Mile finishers will receive an official finish time and medal at the finish line.
Awards will be given to top finishers based on finish time.
- Solo Division
- Overall top 1 male & female
- Masters (ages 40+) top 1 male & female
- Grand Masters (age 50+) top 1 male & female
- 2-person Relay
- Overall top 1 male, female, and co-ed team
- 4-person Relay
- Overall top 1 male, female, and co-ed team
In order for your time to be official all the following rules must be followed. The Beer Mile overall rules are pretty straightforward; alternate drinking 4 beers and running 4 one quarter mile laps and be the fastest to do it. We have used the Beer Mile Official Rules from as a baseline to create our Beer Mile Rules & Etiquette Guidelines.
- Each competitor drinks four cans or bottles of beer and runs four laps around a 1/4-mile course (start with consuming a beer, then run a lap, then beer, then lap, then beer, then lap, then beer, then lap - finish).
- Beer must be consumed before the lap begins within the transition zone. The transition area is the 9-meter zone between the starting line for a mile race and the finish line.
- The race begins with competitors lined up on the mile starting line, drinking the first beer in the transition zone described in the step above. Competitors can walk/move in the transition area while drinking, but all beer must be consumed in the transition area before setting off to run a lap.
- Competitors must drink canned or bottled beer that is provided by the event. We will have a gluten-free option available on request.
- Beer cans must not be tampered with in any manner. (e.g. no shot-gunning, puncturing the can, squeezing the can, etc.). The only action allowed is opening the can with the tab at the top.
- Each beer can/bottle must be opened by the competitor inside the transition zone on each lap.
- Competitors who vomit before they finish the race will be penalized 2 minutes. If any competitor vomits on any race equipment at any time (before, during, or after the race) they will be disqualified and marked as a DQ for the Beer Mile.
- If walking on the course please stay to the left to allow faster participants to pass on the right.
- Headphone and strollers are not allowed in the Beer Mile.
- Make sure you wear your bib on the front and on your outermost layer of clothing. This helps ensure photographers can tag your race photos and will reduce the changes of a missed read from your timing chip at the lap finish point.
- Have fun, but stay safe and responsible. If at any time you are not feeling well please let a race crew member know. There is a medical tent at the finish line.