Major General Francisco A. Espaillat Fallen Heroes Memorial Mile

We are committed to honoring our "Fallen Heroes' Families" and to raise commUNITY awareness of the challenges facing them and for us to do all we can to make a real difference in the quality of their lives.
Although, our "Fallen Heroes" are no longer with us in physical form we are committed to celebrating them by keeping each of them alive through the Major General (MG) Francisco A. Espaillat Fallen Heroes Memorial Mile. The MG Espaillat Memorial Mile (click here for MG Espaillat BIO) is a concept where we build a "Hero Board, alongside a pair of military boots" and display them along the way in a selected mile during the course. We are dedicated to keeping their memories, and accomplishments alive, through the "PGB Gold Star Run” initiative.
Major General (MG) Francisco A. Espaillat Fallen Heroes Memorial Mile "Class of 2023"