The Project Phoenix PGB Program is our platform to support, challenge, and add positive value to our Veteran's CommUNITY. Thru PP we encourage Veterans to pursue the highest and best version of themselves by sponsoring them, to participate in events such as the RAGNAR Relay, PGB 5 and 10K, Bike Rides, Hiking Trails, Paddle Board with Roll Out PTSD ( and many other physical events and exciting adventures. We also recommend Veterans to the life-altering retreat program, hosted by the amazing Bolder Crest Foundation ( Warrior PATHH. The Warrior PATHH initiative, helped our founder to turn his struggles into strength, reversing the mindset of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) into the powerful reality of Post Traumatic Growth (PTG). Our founder learned, that by simply applying 1 concept he learned from Greg Morin aka "COACH", while attending the Warrior PATHH retreat "CHANGING THE ANGLE" and viewing life challenges from a different point of view, that life was still worth living, exploring and serving those hurting in his commUNITY.