Common Trouble Shooting Questions For Recording Miles
Q: I got my link, but I'm confused on how to log my miles.
A: Here is a link illustrating how to log miles:
Q: When I search my name it does not come up to enter virtual results or it says I don't have permission?
A: You must be logged into the same account that you registered with.
Q: I ran/walked/hiked/biked/paddled again today, how do I enter a second entry of results?
A: In the results page, Submit Virtual Results. At the end of the challenge, If you ran/walked/hiked/biked/paddled once per day you will see all 45 activities in the submit results page.
Q: I made a mistake on entering my results, how do I change it.
A: In this example, you can go in and delete the activity and then resubmit a new virtual result with the correction.
Q: I entered my results but I don't see them in the listing.
A: The results take a few minutes to update. If it has been a few minutes, double check you are looking at the correct race. There is a drop down box called Result Set - choose that to switch between events. The default is the The Lake Michigan. If you still don't see your results, see the below post on being anonymous.
Q: My wife/friend/mother/daughter registered me, how do I move that to my account?
A: Here is a link to and article on How to move a sub-account to another user. Follow the section titled: Transfer Sub-Account To Another Existing Account
Q: I am listed as anonymous in the results, why?
A: When you create an account, you have an option to be listed as anonymous in results. If you do not want this, go into your profile and click to edit profile. You will see a check box at the bottom that you want to UNCHECK to be listed again.
If you have any other questions, please contact using form from race page.