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Fleet Feet Tucson Trail to Tarmac Challenge

Sat November 7 - Sun November 8 Tucson, AZ 85715 US Directions


Fleet Feet Trail to Tarmac Challenge

7:30AM MST - 11:00AM MST


Colossal Cave Mountain Park and Old Tucson Studios
Tucson, AZ US 85715


The 2020 Trail to Tarmac Challenge has been canceled due to the cancellation of the CV50/50 Event. 

You can still register for the Everyone Runs Veteran's Day Half Marathon on November 8th. 

Please email with any questions. 


Because One Race Just Isn't Enough

Are you ready for the Fleet Feet Tucson Trail To Tarmac Challenge? Run the Colossal Vail 50/50 Trail Half Marathon Saturday, November 7, then run the Everyone Runs Veteran's Day Road Half Marathon Sunday, November 8. Each finisher will receive a commemorative Trail to Tarmac sweatshirt. Overall awards for the top 3 fastest combined men's and women's finishing times. 

Registration includes entries into both the Colossal Vail 50/50 Half Marathon and the Everyone Runs Veteran's Day Half Marathon events and all the amenities included for each.*

This unique challenge offers the best of Tucson's scenic East and West sides. Enjoy the beautiful Arizona Trail and Rincon Mountains as well as iconic Old Tucson Studios and the roads through Tucson Mountain Park. Plus, you get the bragging rights of climbing over 1000ft in 2 days!

*Please note, no refunds available; entries will be deferred to future events

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Additional Participant Information

Please alert race director if you have allergies to insect stings, particularly bees. 

Please alert race director if you plan to camp overnight at Colossal Cave Mountain Park. 


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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