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Tue April 15 - Tue July 15, 2025

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Experience an epic challenge...

By participating in Reno to the Redwoods, all challengers support women with cancer in Santa Cruz County through WomenCARE.  WomenCARE offers a safe haven where women with any type of cancer find mutual support, shared experiences, and open hearts. We provide cancer advocacy, resources, education, and support to women, their families and friends, and healthcare practitioners at each stage of the journey: diagnosis, healing, surviving or dying.
Virtually take the 300 mile route from Reno, Nevada around Lake Tahoe, through the mountains and valleys to the Redwoods in Santa Cruz, California, OR take the 180 mile route from Reno to the River (San Joaquin River in Stockton!). Make no mistake, this virtual challenge will test you!  But you can use whatever exercise you prefer (run, bike, swim, walk, row, fitness center machines, other, or a combination of any) to complete the challenge, further your fitness goals, and raise money for WomenCARE. And we will motivate you along the way! 
As you are increasing fitness and feeling great, You Are Making A Real Impact!  We have set our initial goal to raise $10,000 in donations to support WomenCARE! 
All challengers receive a limited edition Move Out Against Cancer, Reno to the Redwoods T-Shirt and a complimentary decal, as well as have access to Live Map Tracking of your progress.
Live Map Progress Tracking!
You will be able to see your progress along the route as you enter your mileage.  Our live map tracking feature will even allow you to see where your fellow challengers are on the map compared to you - now that's some motivation! 
You've Got This!

Take on as few as 14-20 miles per week (2-3 miles per day). Add all your activity miles together. If you keep track of all the miles from steps you take on a normal day, be sure to add this. Those steps add up! You can set your goal to move as few as 20 miles per week or challenge yourself to cover as many as you can - be sure to pace yourself! We will help you total up your distance and track your progress with our online platform.
These challenges are simple:
1. Do what you want to do, when you want to do it, from wherever you are!
2. Connect and track your progress on our race page and connect on our Facebook group!
3. Get your limited edition Reno To The Redwoods Challenge T-Shirt and your decal!

Spread the Word!

YOUR REGISTRATION FEES cover event design, production, marketing, T-shirts, decals, and INCLUDE A $35 DONATION TO WOMENCARE.  Using the donate button provides the opportunity to give additional support to WomenCARE. 100% of your donations go directly to WomenCARE.
This fundraiser does not ask that you recruit donations or pledges - however - the more participants we have, the more funds we raise!
We encourage you to invite your friends to participate with you! Form a team!
Post information about the challenge to your social media accounts and invite friends and acquaintances to participate.
Walk together! This year we will also gather together mid-challenge on Saturday June 1 (location yet to be determined) to get to know and support each other for a 2-3 mile walk at a local park. T shirts will be available then and after at the WomenCARE office.

Important Dates:

April 1st: Registration begins

April 15th: Challenge begins and you may start logging your miles!

May 1st: Registration deadline if you would like a t-shirt

June 2-27: Tee shirt pickup for local particpants at WomenCARE office during office hours, Monday-Thursday, 1pm-5pm.

July 15th: Challenge ends

July 22nd: Last date to log your miles



Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Track your progress!


Go to results to enter your mileage and track your progress on the map!

A - Reno, NV   0 miles

B - Carson City, NV    34 miles

C - South Lake Tahoe  CA  27.7 miles

D - Kirkwood, CA  32.5 miles

E - Buckhorn, CA   38.5 miles

F - Clements, CA  40.8 miles

G - Stockton, CA   23 miles

H - Livermore, CA   41.8 miles

I - San Jose, CA   33.6 miles

J - Santa Cruz, CA   32.7 miles



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