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Sat June 7, 2025 Colorado Springs, CO 80817 US Directions


Aiden's Adventure 5k

$38.10 11:00AM MDT
Events: Aiden's Adventure 5k

Aiden's Adventure 5k Virtual Event

$45.52 incl. $3.52 Fee Registration ends May 23, 2025 at 11:59pm MDT

Aiden's Adventure 5k Kids 1-Mile Route

$22.20 incl. $2.20 Fee
($22.20: Ages 3 - 11)
10:00AM MDT - 11:00AM MDT Price increases after May 23, 2025 at 11:59pm MDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


2010 Duckwood Road
Colorado Springs, CO US 80817


Let's help Aiden give back to his community and honor him in such a loving way. Aiden's Adventure 5k is designed to remember Aiden, a sweet, caring, "never met a stranger" personality, forever 5-year-old that is so dearly missed by his friends and family. Aiden was lost in a tragic accident, but we keep his amazing spirit alive by coming together every year and allowing him to make a major impact on those he loved. All proceeds get donated to Care and Share of Southern Colorado and Catamount Institute located in Colorado Springs, CO, in Aiden's name. Let's make this year just as beautiful as the last three years. 

The 5k is located at Fountain Creek Regional Park in Colorado Springs on June 7, 2025. There will be a virtual option for those that can not join us in person. 

There will be a 1-mile route for the kids! This is for those that are 11 and under. Registration includes a t-shirt and a treasure box!

The 1-mile route will start at 10:00am. The 5k route will begin at 11:00am. The event will go until 3:00pm.

Rock painting and face painting will be here again this year!

We will have food trucks! We will also have carnival games that you can do while hanging out with us at the park. 

Stroller friendly and dog friendly. The 5k route is on a dirt trail that is flat the entire route. Please bring water and sunscreen!



Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Please CARPOOL. Parking will be limited and due to the burn ban, there is no parking on grass. An alternate parking lot may have to be used with a van taking people back and forth. 

The 5k will be on a trail system, not pavement. It will be down and back, with the flexibility to turn around at any point. Strollers are allowed on the trails.

This is a "Fun Run", with no timing devices available. You can take as little or much time you want on the 5k. Enjoy nature and enjoy Aiden's presence.

Dogs ARE allowed! There is also a small dog park at the location as well. 

We will have carnival games, rock painting, and butterfly releasing.

Vendors, food trucks, and volunteers can park on the West side of the park. All participants will park on the East side of the park. 

For any questions about this event, please email




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