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Winter Series

Sat January 11 - Sat February 22 Colorado Springs, CO 80926 US



Welcome to Pikes Peak Road Runners Winter Series, aka, The Coolest Race in Town!


We welcome all athletes, from novice to elite, and want everyone to enjoy the racing experience PPRR provides. Bring your grit, drive, and racing vibes!


The Winter Series are four races which become progressively longer in distance and consist of two series, the short and the long. You get to choose your distance when registering.


We look forward to seeing you in 2025!


Race Times, Dates, and Locations

All long races start at 10:00am and all short races at 10:20am.


Race I January 11 (Fountain Creek Regional Park)
Race II January 25 (Cheyenne Mountain State Park)
Race III February 15 (El Pomar Sports Complex)
Race IV February 22 (U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Museum)

Registration Information and Fees

Pricing via Online Registration ($15 discount for PPRR/SCR members)
$85 - Four Race Series until December 1st
$95 - Four Race Series from December 2nd until January 1st
$105 - Four Race Series from January 2nd until January 24th

$35 - Single Race


Please see below for membership discount details.


Participants must register for either Short or Long series by 5 PM January 26, 2024 (Friday before race II), or for the individual race/races by 5 PM on the night before each race. 


Firefighters, police, active-duty military, all first responders, and members of El Paso & Teller County Search and Rescue are eligible for a $10 discount. Contact prior to registration to receive a discount code. 


Series participants will be issued a bib at Race 1 for the entire series. Please hold onto your bib and bring it to each race.


Pavement, gravel, roads, trails, single track, double track, mud, slop, snow, rocks, roots, ice, slush, uphill, downhill, flat…. You name it and The Coolest Race in Town will provide! Elevation will range between 6,000’ and 7,500’ and the temperatures can range from whatever Mother Nature throws at us in January and February along the Front Range.


All races are cupless. All participants will need to carry a refillable water bottle if you would like access to hydration on the course. Aid stations will have pitchers ready to fill your water bottle if needed. Cups will not be provided. There will, however, be plenty of aid stations along the way providing you with potentially needed cheer!  


Winter Series I: Fountain Creek Regional Park

2010 Duckwood Rd, Fountain, CO 80817

Short / 5k

Long / 10k



Winter Series II: Cheyenne Mountain State Park

410 JL Ranch Heights Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80926

Short / 4 mile

Long / 8 mile


Winter Series III: El Pomar Youth Sports Park

2212 Executive Cir, Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Short / 5 mile

Long / 10 mile


Winter Series IV: U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Museum

200 S Sierra Madre St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Short / 6.4 miles

Long / 12 miles





Rules (Yeah, we have to have them. Bummer, aye?)

All entrants must be at least 11 years old. 


Races will be cancelled if extremely bad weather exists on race day or if race directors deem necessary. Unfortunately, there are no refunds for race cancellations or no-shows. Our per-race cost for the series is a bargain which cannot be beat! In the event we have to cancel one event, the deal is worth it's weight in gold! 


We love babies, we love our fur children, and we most certainly love our jams! However.....


Please no strollers or jogging strollers. Our insurance guy says, “nope”.


Please no headphones or earbuds. We need “on your left” to work seamlessly.


Please no dogs, cats, bearded dragons, or any other pets.

Long Series Cut Off Details

We have decided to implement cut off times for the last three long Winter Series Events, beginning with race II at Cheyenne Mountain State Park. We made this decision in consideration for the amazing volunteers that graciously offer their time and for the integrity of the race. We race directors welcome all athletes, from novice to elite, and want everyone to enjoy the racing experience PPRR provides. To keep the racing mentality alive and well, we will implement cut-off times to specified locations on the course where we will ask long running participants to either complete the short race or make their way back to the finish line. We highly encourage our walking athletes to register for the short series to ensure a complete and timed race or reach out to the race directors on options of starting the long course early. Details for cut off times for each race are listed below. If you have concerns with the cutoff times, please reach out to us - we welcome feedback!


Cheyenne Mountain State Park


All times are based on 18 min/per mile for CMSP. Long course is scheduled to start at 10:00. 


Long runners must be to Zook and Blackmer intersection within 18 minutes of starting or by 10:18am if the race starts on time. If you do not make it to this intersection within 18 minutes, our volunteers will suggest you complete the short course. This intersection is less than 1 mile into the long course. 


If long runners have not retuned to the intersection of Blackmer and Zook in 1 hour and 23 minutes or by 11:23 if the race starts on time, after completing the Blackmer loop at 4.6 miles, they will be asked to return to the finish line via Zook.


If long runners have not reached the intersection of Talon and Sundance at 6.28 miles prior to 1 hour 53 minutes or 11:53, they will be asked to return to the finish line via Talon and utilizing the short course.


El Pomar


All times are based on a 15 min/per mile for El Pomar. Long course is scheduled to start at 10:00. 


Long runners must be to the short course turn around or 2.5 miles within 37 minutes and 30 seconds or 10:37:30 if the race starts on time. If you do not make it by this cut off, you will be asked to complete the short course and will be turned back towards the start. 


Olympic Museum


All times are based on a 15 min/per mile for race 4. Long course is scheduled to start at 10:00.


All long runners must be to the Mesa Bridge/Aid Station 2 location no later than 11:32am. If we happen to start late, that will be communicated to the course marshal so they adjust the turnaround time. This location is 6.1 miles into the long distance course. If you are turned around, you will be directed to race to the finish line. You will complete a 7.8 mile race, and be considered a short course finisher. 


Communication and some extra deets.

Start and finish locations, course maps, parking information, course conditions and all other related information will be emailed out to each participant prior to each event. Keep an eye on that inbox!  


Series participants will be issued a bib at Race 1 for the entire series. Please hold onto your bib and bring it to each race.


Race directors can be reached at:

The Coolest Race in Town - Hydration Device

Awards and Awards Dinner. We love food!

Saturday, March 8, 2025


Register here


Series Awards will be presented at the Winter Series Dinner at the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame (separate fee and registration required).


Top M/F/NB Short & Long

Top 3 Age Group

Top Athena (> 150 lbs)

Top Clydesdale (> 200 lbs)


Please indicate if you are competing in the Athena (females weighing at least 150 lbs) or Clydesdale (males weighing at least 200 lbs) categories during registration.


Age Group Divisions

11-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89

Membership Discount

The membership discount will be applied during checkout.

For the registration process to recognize that you are a Pikes Peak Road Runners member, if you have not already claimed your PPRR membership within RunSignUp, you first need to go to the Club page for the Pikes Peak Road Runners and claim you membership.  This is done as follows.

Go to:
(For Southern Colorado Runner members, go to:
In the left column of buttons, click on "Members".
Search for your name.
Click on "Is this you?"
An e-mail will be sent to the E-mail address of this user, which contains a link with instructions to complete the process.

Once your membership has been claimed within the RunSignUp system, you will then have an account with RunSignUp.  If you have a family membership, you can then add family members that live in your household.  Those family members will also be able to apply the membership discount.

When you register for an event that offers discounts to PPRR members, on one of the first Registrant screens, you'll see a "Have An Account?" message followed by a SIGN IN button.  Click on the SIGN IN button and sign in using your RunSignUp account information.  That will allow RunSignUp to recognize that you are a PPRR member, and the member discount will be applied.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Colorado Springs/El Paso County Parks
Colorado Springs, CO US 80926

We look forward to having you for 2025!


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