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Summer Cross Country Series

Tue June 3 - Tue August 26, 2025 New Canaan, CT 06840 US Directions


The Kraz Trails

Summer XC Series Race #1

$0 06/03 7:00PM EDT Featuring the newish "Kraz Trails"
2.9 Miles

Summer XC Series Race #2

$0 06/10 7:00PM EDT 2.9 Miles
Selfies & Book Signings

Summer XC Series Race #3

$0 06/17 7:00PM EDT Special appearance by Kathrine Switzer and Roger Robinson
3 Miles

Summer XC #4 Predicted Time

$0 06/24 7:00PM EDT Runners coming closest to their prediction win. NO WATCHES!
2 x 3 x 1 Miles

Summer XC #6 2 Man 6 Mile Relay

$0 07/08 7:00PM EDT Teams of 2 run 3 alternating 1-mile loops. $15 per team.
Distance TBD

Summer XC Series Race #7

$0 07/15 7:00PM EDT Registration Opens July 13, 2025 at 7:00pm EDT

Summer XC Series Race #8 Age-Graded 5K

$0 07/22 7:00PM EDT Age Graded Scoring

Summer XC Series Race #9 Figure 8

$0 07/29 7:00PM EDT Field is split in half and runners criss-cross four times during the race.
Postponed to Wednesday!

Summer XC #10 Handicap Race

$0 08/05 7:00PM EDT Staggered start, slowest to fastest.

Summer XC #11 Ekiden Relay

$0 08/12 7:00PM EDT Registration Opens August 10, 2025 at 7:00pm EDT

Summer XC #12 Women's Shortcut

$0 08/19 7:00PM EDT Women will get 4 shortcuts over the course of the race, reducing their distance by approximately 1/4 mile.
$10 Suggested Donation

Summer XC #13 Luminaria Loop

$0 08/26 7:00PM EDT To benefit the Jenny Crain Make It Happen Foundation


Waveny Park
South Avenue
New Canaan, CT US 06840


A series of casual races through the fields and trails of New Canaan's Waveny Park, held every Tuesday evening at 7 PM. In case of severe weather (thunderstorms or high heat and humidity) the race may be postponed to the following Thursday, same time. Prize T-shirts to the top 3 Overall men and women, first 18 & under, and 40 & over who have not previously won. In Predicted Time race, shirts to those coming closest to their prediction; in Age Graded 5K, awards based on WMA Age Graded Tables.

We would like to thank the town of New Canaan and its Recreation Department for allowing us to conduct this long-running summer racing tradition. We plan to continue with many of the protocols we developed in response to the pandemic last year, for a safer and more efficient race process. See the New Procedures section for details.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



Exit 37 Merritt Parkway, turn left at end of ramp (from either North or South) and turn left at the stone pillars across street from Mormon church.
Follow the driveway about a mile to the parking lots at the top of the hill on your left.

Warm Weather Running Guidelines

As heat and humidity increase, so too do the risks of heat-related medical issues. Review the following guidelines, and stay safe during your warm-weather training runs and races.
• Respect your limits. Heat and humidity increase the physical challenge of running, and health problems can occur when you push beyond what your body can handle. Do not aim for a personal best on a warm, sticky day, particularly if you are not used to such conditions.
• Acclimate. It takes 10 days to two weeks for the body to acclimate to keeping cool at higher temperatures. Give your body time to adjust.
• Know the signs of heat problems. If you feel faint, dizzy, disoriented, or your skin is clammy and abnormally hot or cold, slow down or stop running. If symptoms continue, sit or lie down in the shade and seek medical help.
• Drink enough. Drink throughout the day, so that your urine remains plentiful and pale yellow. Even mild dehydration (scant, dark-yellow urine) will make you feel sluggish and tire early during exercise, and can increase the risk of heat-related problems during exercise. In the heat, sports drinks are sometimes even better than plain water because the sugar and salt they contain can better help you to stay hydrated. Before workouts or races lasting longer than one hour in the heat, drink 16 ounces of fluid several hours in advance, another 16 ounces in the hour before, and more just before the start if your urine isn't pale.
• Don't drink too much. Overhydrating before and during exercise can cause a dangerous condition known as hyponatremia (water intoxication). This drop in the body's sodium levels can cause nausea, fatigue, vomiting, weakness, and in the most severe cases, seizures, coma, and death. To avoid hyponatremia, do not overdrink, include pretzels or a salted bagel in your pre-run meal, and use a sports drink that contains sodium. During exercise, drink no more than a cup of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes.
• Eat a good pre-race meal a few hours before the run. Try a bagel with peanut butter and a banana—the protein and carbs will fuel your effort and aid in recovery.
• Consume salt. Eat salted foods like a salt bagel, salted pretzels, or salted nuts. If you’re planning to race, eat salted foods all week prior to the event. On race day, consume one fast-food salt packet at the start line. Have another salt packet halfway through the race.
• Protect yourself from the sun. Wear a cap or visor to shield your head, face, and eyes from the sun’s burning rays, and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. Use sunscreen on exposed skin, even on overcast days.
• Check your meds. Do not consume products like cold medicines, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or anti-diarrhea medicines with dehydrating agents in them. They may increase your risk for heat illness. Caffeine products are only OK in doses you are used to taking on training day. Do not start taking a caffeine product on race day.
• Wear synthetic fabrics. Unlike cotton, synthetics wick moisture from your skin so cooling evaporation can occur. Synthetics also decrease chafing and don't cling and cause a chill. Look for loose-fitting garments with mesh inserts under the arms, on the sides of the torso, down the arms, and on the outer thighs. Acrylic socks keep feet dry and cool.
• Use water along the course (cups, spray stations) to cool yourself during races. If you are overheating, a cool spray will cool you down quickly and have a lasting effect as the water evaporates from your skin. Keep in mind, though, that drenched clothing will cling to skin and prevent evaporation, and wet socks can cause blisters, so use this strategy wisely.



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