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Summer Cross Country Series

Tue June 3 - Tue August 26, 2025 New Canaan, CT 06840 US Directions

New Procedures

  • There will be no in-person registration - all registration must be done online, using this site. Registration will open the Sunday before the current week's race, and will remain open until the 7 PM start time. You may register on your phone from your car on site, but there will be no physical pen and paper registration at the race. Online registration is free; however runners are asked to place a donation of $5 ($4 for students) in the box during check in. Please bring exact change to avoid handling money.

  • Participants must be in good health and symptom free from any illness for at least 2 weeks prior to the event.

  • Check in begins at 6:30 PM on race evening in the West parking lot of the Castle. To check in runners get a bib from the race volunteer who will enter it in the scoring database, then put your entry fee in the box. Pin the bib on the front of your shirt or shorts. If you are re-using your bib from a previous race (strongly encouraged) enter that number when you register online, or tell the race volunteer during check-in.

  • During pre-race instructions, runners should maintain proper social distance.

  • Again this year all races will be chip timed to minimize runner-race official contact and to expedite results. NEW THIS YEAR: We plan to use the new ChronoTrack AeroTrack, a small handheld device that scans the chip in your bib using the usual RFID technology. This will eliminate the need to set up mats and FlashPoints, and allow more flexibility in finish location (so you won't always have to come up that long hill from the Parkway - instead you can finish coming up the shorter, steeper hill along the driveway!) Results for most of the races should appear in real time online at Athlinks or, as well as by text message should you opt in for that when you register.

  • Prize T-Shirts will be awarded as possible at the finish, otherwise they may be collected at a subsequent race, or will be mailed.

  • There will be no water provided - runners must be self-sufficient and BYO.

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