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NASM- Speed Agility Endurance Challenge

Sun March 29, 2020 Saint Petersburg, FL 33701 US Directions

NASM Fastest Athletes

*NASM- Speed Agility Endurance Challenge*

10:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


Elva Rouse Park, N Shore Dr NE & 10th Ave NE, St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Saint Petersburg, FL US 33701


How fast and athletic are you and how do you measure up to other runners?


Showcase your speed and fast twitch muscle fibers competing on a Speed Agility Short Course. (120 yards total distance) 


Prove how fast your top end speed is by running a TOP END Speed 30 yard dash. (stand tall and fall start position)


Test your endurance and assess conditioning in the 300 yard shuttle run.


*2 run attempts in the Top End Speed 30 Yard Dash and the best time wins*

*2 run attempts on the Speed Agility Course and the best time wins*

*1 run attempt in the 300 Yard Shuttle and the top time wins*

-grass surface only event  (no metal cleats or track shoe spikes)

-hand timed start to finish by a certified performance coach with NFL combine experience

**accepting 40 males and 40 females to compete in this event only (18-45 years age restriction group)**


How athletic are you as a complete runner?

How do you measure up overall ?

Put it on the line and showcase your talent as a runner in 2020!

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