Enviro Race 5k
Our "zero waste" 5k race will take place on Sept 14th 2025 at 7:30 am in scenic downtown Venice. The course will feature 2 loops on the city's famous canopy tree-lined road.
The race will start across from daiquiri deck on Venice ave and head west towards the beach. The finish will be at Daquiri deck and Centennial Park and include a post-race party with a beer garden, food (including vegan options), live music and awards.
Our main goal is to raise environmental awareness in the running community (and non-running community) and promote a "less waste" environmental responsibility with event hosting.
For our race there will be no single-use plastic water bottles, no plastic goodie bags or other items that just end up in the landfill! The water stops on the course will be supplied with reusable silicone cups that will be collected, sanitized and reused after our event. We will also be using compostable areca palm leaf plates and napkins which will decompose in our compost bins 8-12 weeks. We will be collecting all leftover food waste as well so please be mindful of placing items in the correct bins. We will donate the unused food to our local Salvation Army.
You will receive a souvenir silicone finisher cup when you cross the finish line which you can then fill with water from our multi use water system and of course beer from the beer and Cidre garden!
Our race shirts will be made from a combination of rPET (the type of plastic that can be recycled and provides a market for recycled plastic) from our local company, Gulf Breeze apparel!
There will be a bin to drop off your race bib as they will be reused and/or recycled.
The majority of our proceeds will be donated to a local environmental charity/non-profit which we will annually rotate. This year we have chosen The Environmental Conservancy of North Port and surrounding areas whose mission is to acquire neighborhood land parcels and designate them as protected green spaces to preserve and protect natural habitats. Learn more about their mission and how you can help at If you want to learn more about how to decrease your event's environmental footprint please visit our website
Our post race party will feature live music by the Gazebo so feel free to bring lawn chairs and enjoy the music and beer after the race.
We will have a medal drop off bin for all those unwanted medals you have been collecting over the years as well as a bin for your used athletic shoes which will both be recycled and turned into something else :)
Registration opens 3/3/2025: Adults: $40.00 Youth <14: $30
4/3/2025 thru 6/1/2025: Adults $45.00 Youth <14: $35
6/2/2025- RACE DAY registration : Adults $50 Youth <14: $40
(No shirt guarantee after 8/15/25)
Be smarter, sign up early.
Awards 3 deep!
9 and Under, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24,
25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54,
55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75 and Above. (80 plus) Winners
Overall M/F, Masters, GM, SGM, VGM
Just about all race bibs produced today are made from Tyvek, produced by DuPont. And Tyvek is made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), otherwise known as #2 plastic. And #2 plastic is one of the most commonly recycled materials.
We would like to collect the bibs at the end of the race so we will have a bin for that.
If you want to keep your bib for the memory that's OK.
No refunds and no Dogs on the course.
Saturday 9/14 at Back Porch Brewing Company from 3PM-5PM
3469 Precision Dr. North Venice 34275
and then
300 W Venice Ave, Venice, FL 34285
Starting at 6:15am - 7:20am.
Event starts at 7:30am
Excited to announce the Enviro Race 5k will also have a sneaker drive for our Enviro 5k! Bring any used/unwanted athletic shoes with you on race morning and drop them in the designated bins. These shoes will then be delivered to people in need or recycled into useful things such as playgrounds and even more importantly, keep them out of landfills! In return for the shoes, the company will send money to our non-profit. A win-win! So sign up for our May 16th event and start collecting those unwanted shoes!
Reusable Bibs
At the end of our inaugural race, there will be a bin for you to drop your bibs off so we can reuse and recycle them!
Race shirt.

There will be a water station on the course that provides "hiccup earth" cups filled with water.
Hiccup works the same way an aid station at a race currently operates. They drop off the same amount of cups that are used for each aid station, pick up the cups as soon as the race course permits and transport the cups back to there facility to get washed, packed and ready to be drank from at their next race.
Silicone cups

At the end of completing the race, you will get a silicone cup with the race logo instead of a medal. You can't fill a medal with beer, can you?
Did someone say BEER?!

Beer is environmentally friendly, right? Well if not, it's our only vice, you can thank us later. Finish the race, grab your silicone cup, hydrate with water first then head over to the Beer Garden. Cider and seltzer available as well! 2 drink limit, we don't want you making dumb mistakes.
Water Station

NO SINGLE USE PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES! The inventor (Allen Jacks) will be driving down from Georgia to let us use his water station! So use those silicone cups we gave you or bring your own reusable water bottle.
Zero Waste Race Website
Additional Zero Waste Race information can be found at
Zero Waste Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this Zero Waste Race, click the button below.
300 W Venice Ave
Venice, FL US 34285