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Get Moving Birmingham!

Sun January 19 - Sun March 1 Birmingham, MI 48009 US Directions


Club Pilates Troy- Pilates

01/19 9:30AM EST - 10:30AM EST

Cyclebar Troy- Spin Class

02/23 9:30AM EST - 10:30AM EST

Functionally Fit w/Garrett McLaughlin

02/02 9:30AM EST - 10:30AM EST

The Dailey Method

02/16 9:30AM EST - 10:30AM EST

Pilates Method

02/09 9:30AM EST - 10:30AM EST

Equinox Fitness- Best Butt Ever

03/01 9:30AM EST - 10:30AM EST


Gazelle Sports Birmingham
99 West Maple
Birmingham, MI US 48009


Gazelle Sports is here to help keep you accountable in the New Year! 

Together with local gyms and studios we're helping to keep your New Year's resolutions alive! You can join us at Gazelle Sports for one class, or all of them, either way we've moving together and giving back to the communities we call home. 

This six week series features a sampling from local studios and instructors, giving you the opportunity to try something new! We've made it easier for you too- all classes will be hosted at Gazelle Sports- try one, or try them all! All classes are $10 and begin at 9:30am.

Schedule of Sessions

January 19 | Club Pilates Troy
January 26 | TBD
February 2 | Functionally Fit w/ Garrett McLaughlin
February 9 | Pilates Method
February 16 | The Daily Method
February 23 | Cyclebar Troy

Race Contact Info

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