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2022 Blue Cross Winter Warm Up Community Challenge

Mon January 24 - Sat March 19 Greater Lansing, MI 48864 US


For the 8th consecutive year, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and its affiliates are the exclusive health insurance organization in partnership with the Playmakers Fitness Foundation for the presentation of the Winter Warm-Up program. 

The free eight-week program includes one weekly zoom session, daily workout calendar, and an optional in-person training session at Hawk Island and various sites in the Greater Lansing area. All sessions will be conducted by certified Good Form Running and Walking coaches. The training program will run from January - March with the finale 5K Fun Run/Walk event and celebration at Hawk Island Park March 19, 2022. If in-person events are not possible, the finale event will be held virtually.

In addition, participants will receive a weekly newsletter, timely Facebook posts about training, Blue Cross Blue Shield nutrition information, information about local wellness events and news about the program.

Continued in 2022: Winter Warm Up Challenge 
After a successful pilot in 2021, the program features a "challenge" that encourages group participation and friendly competition between communities. All participants register with a community team and share a common cumulative group goal of walking or running 22,000 miles over the course of the program. In addition, each team will compete to see which community contributes the most miles to the cumulative goal. 

Program Contact Info

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Program Survey

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