Branson, MO US 65616
Choose the 5K, or 10K. or fun run
Run along the beautiful Lake Taneycomo, starting and finishing at the middle fountains on Branson Landing.
The 5k is one loop, 10K will be two loops. Mile is on the boardwalk. June 23rd is the deadline for guaranteed t-shirts and name on your bib
TEAMS.......If you want to make a team ( 5K ONLY ) Runners must be paid 5k runners ..... (Online) team captain will pay team fee, then runners can add to that team... ( captain must tell team members team name and password ) For new runners signing up on race day once you have entered into the race you will be given a bib number you will claim your team...Team captain will fill out form with team name and runners bib numbers ...takes at least 5 runners to complete a team. A team can be all the same gender or mixed. To claim a team is $40.00 for the team paid by captain. Already paid 5k runners can join team ... Team Trophy and fireworks as award.
Awards: Overall winners: 5k 10k 1st Large Fireworks, • (male & female) 125.00 Gift Card Award from Fleet Feet
Awards to Masters (40+) male & female: 5k 10K 1st Place Large Fireworks
Overall champion awards in the following age divisions male & female: 10 & under, 11-14, 15- 19, 20-29, 30--39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80 & up
Mile Fun Run Champion 12-under male and female 1st place award and fireworks … and finisher medal for all runners
We will have finisher medals for all races
Highland Dairy Ice Cream will be at the Finish Line passing out ice cream cones / bars / orange push ups
Giveaways ..... Gift cards from Branson Landing Star Bucks and Fireworks over $500.00 in prizes
Packet pick up will be July 2nd Fleet Feet 1254 E Republic Rd, Springfield, MO 65804 3pm to 5pm
July 3rd Oscar's Famous Ribs 302 Veterans Blvd, Branson, MO 65616
3pm to 6pm Pick your packet up on July 3rd receive a $5.00 voucher for Oscar's BBQ First 50 Runners
PPU also Race Morning July 4th 6:15am to 7:15am Branson Landing At The Fountains
Out Of Town 5k 10k is a separate race awards and t-shirts will be mailed out. Only Trophies and medals no fireworks will be mailed out
Runners will have one week to turn in their race results for the Fun Run mile, 5k or 10k
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
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Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.