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FUNdraising Challenge with The Hoboken Shelter

Sat April 17 - Sat April 24 Hoboken, NJ 07030 US Directions


Hoboken, NJ US 07030


Join us for a week of fun and festivity, as we celebrate the work and support of our volunteers! 

The Hoboken Shelter celebrates National Volunteer Week: April 18 – 24, 2021. Volunteers provide critical help at The Shelter, from making and serving meals, helping with events, to holding positions on the board. Our need for volunteers is constant and remains critical during the health crisis. We have a wide variety of virtual volunteer activities, proving that there is no limit to how you can help.

The Hoboken Shelter's National Volunteer Week FUNdraising Challenge is a great way to show love to your community!

We invite you to join in a friendly FUNdraising competition to support our mission: 

Create your own challenge on our Website

  • Share your personal experiences with the shelter to this event
  • Add photos of yourself and your charitable activities with the shelter
  • Post across your social media platforms

We've made fundraising easy. You can create your personal fundraising page when you register! All you have to do is edit your page, enter your goal, and share it.

Upon signing up, peruse the site for ideas of community-building activities you can complete in your neighborhood this week. We will also post ideas on our social media! As you complete these acts of service, you can log them on your personal results page to share with friends and family to encourage donations. Each act of kindness counts for one “tally”. Tallies add up to milestones that earn you badges you can share via social media.  

Top Three FUNdraisers will be awarded prizes.

1st place prize to top fundraiser is a $100 Gift Card to Hudson Table!!! 2nd Place will be a $75 gift card and 3rd place wins a $50 gift card.

The contest ends April 24th and winners will be announced via social media on April 25th.

During the week we’ll provide information on volunteer opportunities, share volunteer stories, and raise funds needed for the Shelter. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@hoboken_shelter) and Twitter (@hobokenshelter) for further announcements.

Challenge Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Challenge, click the button below.

About The Hoboken Shelter

The Hoboken Shelter’s mission is to be a community partnership that transforms lives by providing meals for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, and services to support people to become housed.

Opened in 1982, The Hoboken Shelter is a community partnership that transforms lives by providing meals for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, and services to support people to become housed. These services help our homeless guests develop the skills needed to gain employment, achieve independence, and re-integrate into the community. 

This event, like all of our events, is put on primarily through volunteers! Thank you to our 80s committee for pulling off this event:

Simone Taylor, Christine Heller, Dwayne Seymour, Karin Romans, Rachel Chan, Nicole T, Patricia Biedron, Anthony Rios, Ashleigh David, Robin Erichsen, Joseph Bonanno, Joscelyn Korzelius, Jillian Roumbanis, Marco Rispoli, Tiffany DiGiacomo, Moss Allen, Laura O’Brien, Hannah Osterman, Erica Seitzman







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Challenge Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your challenge experience.

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