Become A Sponsor

The Back To The 80s Spring Event raises funds for the Hoboken Shelter. Right now, The Hoboken Shelter faces new challenges. But one thing is for certain: people cannot go hungry. As the COVID-19 public health emergency continues, those facing homelessness will be especially at risk. Now, more than ever, our community needs us. And we need you. We know these are challenging times, but we also know that in these difficult times, we have seen the best of our community.
If you are interested in sponsoring The Hoboken Shelter's mission and this event, please email . Please include the sponsorship you’d like to confirm in the subject line.
Hero $2500
- Multiple verbal acknowledgements during Live Trivia Event and also logo on slide before and at the close of the event
- Thank you listed on Event Website
- Recognition on our social media
- Special recognition in event press and newsletter mailed to over 10,000 individuals
- Featured Promotional Interview with you and your business
- Recognition in post-event Thank You Email
Advocate $1000
- Verbal acknowledgment during Live Trivia Event and logo included on slide at close of event
- Thank you listed on Event Website
- Recognition on our social media channels
- Special recognition in event press and newsletter mailed to over 10,000 individuals
- Recognition in post-event Thank You Email
Supporter $500
- Verbal acknowledgment during Live Trivia Event
- Thank you listed on Event Website
- Recognition on all social media channels
- Recognition in post-event Thank You Email
Friend $300
- Verbal acknowledgment during Live Trivia Event
- Thank you listed on Event Website
- Recognition in post-event Thank You Email
Volunteer $150
- Thank you listed on Event Website
- Recognition in post-event Thank You Email