2020 Thanksgiving Race is ONLY virtual this year :(
175 West Shore Road
Port Washington, NY US 11050
The Community Chest of Port Washington & the 2020 Thanksgiving Run committee, in concurrence with the Town of North Hempstead, have determined that due to the uptick in infection rates and hospitalizations specifically in Nassau County, the 2020 Thanksgiving Race will be converting to a solely "virtual" race at this time. We hope that you choose to transfer your registration to the 5 Mile Virtual Challenge (and post your results and photos on the race page). You can also convert your registration to a donation to the Community Chest and the People of Port. Either way, we appreciate your participation and patience. This has been a difficult year and we had hoped to return to some kind of normalcy and tradition with the in-person event (with limited registration). It will not happen this year. We hope you will take a performance shirt and display your commitment to helping the People of Port...whether it is while you run/walk around town or when you are out and about. The virtual Thanksgiving Run 5 Mile Challenge can be done anytime from November 19th to November 29th.
Race Contact Info
About the Community Chest of Port Washington
All proceeds from the Port Washington Thanksgiving Day 5 Mile Run go to the Community Chest of Port Washington, a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization. The Community Chest's mission is to provide grants to charities that serve Port Washington residents and to provide below market rate rent to nonprofit organizations, helping them fulfill their missions. We are dedicated to making the lives of our neighbors happier and healthier. Race fees & contributions are fully deductible to the extent provided by law. To learn more about the Community Chest and the charities it supports, contact info@portchest.org, (516)767-2121, visit www.portchest.org or become a friend on Facebook.
Virtual Race Information
- The Virtual 5 Mile Challenge can be done anytime from November 19th to November 29th.
- There will be t-shirt pick up days prior to November 19th, so you can proudly run with your Thanksgiving Run t-shirt. Also on Tuesday, Nov 24 from 3pm - 7pm at the Community Chest of Port Washington, 382 Main Street. Once you register, you will receive more details about this.
- If you prefer to have your race packet shipped, you can choose that option at registration. (Please register by November 1, 2020 to ensure we can ship to you on time)
- You will get long sleeved commemorative Thanksgiving Run shirts
- Virtual runners and walkers will be able to upload their times on RunSignUp
- Its a great way to continue to participate in a tradition that many have done for years.
- Virtual runners will be able to upload running photos to the RunSignUp web site
Virtual 5 Mile Challenge
Download a paper entry form
T-shirt Pick Up
Flexibility is the word of choice for this year's run!
We are adding a t-shirt pick up day next week, Tuesday, November 24. OUTSIDE AT THE COMMUNITY CHEST!
• 382 Main Street, Port Washington, NY from 3PM - 7PM
• Line up on the sidewalk with adequate social distancing wearing a face covering.
• We will not provide T-shirts to anyone without a face covering.
• T-shirts will be mailed to participants who choose the shipping option at check out. There is an additional $7.00 fee for shipping.
A limited number of medals will be available for those who want one.
All registrants will receive a long-sleeved t-shirt. We make every attempt to provide the size selected when registering, but cannot guarantee that all sizes will be available.
-Food Pantry Donations
As part of our effort to provide COVID-19 humanitarian relief, participants are encouraged to donate items and gift cards at race packet pick up, and on race day (for in-person race) to Port Washington's Food Pantries (at Our Lady of Fatima, St. Peter of Alcantara, Port Washington Community Action Council, Littig House Community Center & the Lutheran Church). Preferred items include cereal, cooking oil, canned fruit, pasta sauce, rice, beans and canned tuna. Expired items will be thrown out on site.
Collection bins will be on-site and food will be distributed to all pantries according to the number of families served.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.