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Step Into Autism - Summit

Sat June 7, 2025 Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 US Directions


Step Into Autism - Summit

$0 10:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT Registration ends June 7, 2025 at 2:00pm EDT


Step Into Autism Walk and Resource Fair


This event, now in its 15th year,  brings professionals, educators, families, and the community together. When we walk together, we support each other and connect with the human experience of living with Autism. 
Plan to attend this annual event, which brings families, friends, teachers, therapists, community members, and others together to walk to raise understanding and acceptance of Autism. Participants are connected to valuable resources and information right here in our community.
We do ask all participants to register prior to the event. This helps us in our planning and ensures we can provide the best possible experience for you.
Step Into Autism is ASGA’s signature fundraiser to support our mission. ASGA is the premier resource for adapted community events, advocacy, education, information and referral, and support that improve the lives of everyone in our local Autism community. 
How can you help? 
  • Make a donation when you register to participate. All donations, no matter the amount will mean more connections.
  • Form a team, recruit members of your family and network, and raise funds collectively. Your team might even win the top prize! 
  • Join an established team and ask your friends to donate to your fundraiser. 
Don’t know where to start? Check our Fundraising Toolkit.


Funds raised through sponsorships, donations, and team fundraising stay in our community to provide the connections and resources that empower everyone in the Autism community with the resources needed to live fully. 
What you can Expect: 
  • Walk at your own pace and ability. Choose from the short walk or the long walk. 
  • Make new friends and connections.
  • Cool off and enjoy the refreshing splash pad 
  • Visit the Resource Fair and learn what local resources and services are available. 
  • Test your skills at the Game Zone 
  • Visit with our various live, interactive characters. 
  • Dance to the music like no one is watching.
  • Have fun!

Walk Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Walk, click the button below.


Walk Website

Additional Walk information can be found at


Cuyahoga Falls Downtown Amphitheater
2085 Front Street
Cuyahoga Falls, OH US 44221



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