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Ohio MCC VIRTUAL Run-Walk 4 Relief 5K and 1K Fun Run

Mon August 3 - Sat October 3

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


* UPDATE 2020 *  
The Run/Walk this year will be a virtual event. We will not be meeting at the Fair Grounds. Each runner or walker will complete their run/walk and report their times back to my email address -
The participants will run their distances from Saturday, September 26 until Saturday, October 3, 2020 on your own racecourse. A photo or run route reply will signal the completion of the run.
For those of you who have younger children who want to support the Run OR ‘yee of low commitment’ the 1K Fun Run is for you!! The 1K Fun Run is also a virtual event. This event will not be timed, and no awards will be given to those who finish first, middle or last. Everyone who participates in either event will receive an event t-shirt.
To make this event more meaningful, all participants will be asked to choose 1 of 3 activities to complete to reduce their running time. The choices are:
1.       Purchasing an item at an MCC Thrift Store. (Share a creative photo of purchase.)
2.       Cook and eat a meal from the More With Less or Simply in Season cookbooks. (Share Photo of meal.)
3.       Answer 3 questions about MCC’s 100-year history. (See below for the questions)
The participants will send 1 photo or run route of themselves running OR answers to the questions and 1 photo of themselves completing the activity. (Families may submit one photo of all family members.) When the photo or answers of the activity is received, 30 seconds will be taken off the run times. The registration fees will be donated to MCC to purchase locally in-country-bought buckets of sanitation supplies to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus. A donation of $20 will purchase a complete bucket for one family.
Registrations may also be mailed to Jenifer Hartzler 8400 1/2 Pleasant Home Road, Sterling, OH 44276.  The 5K registration fee is $30.00. The 1K fee is $15.00. Please join together virtually this year to assist others in need!


Here are the 3 questions that will reduce your race time-

Use the

  to answer these 3 questions: 

1. What were the names and hometowns of the three men who were selected to go to Europe to represent the Central Committee? 
2. In what city and country did 2 men read a Psalm together? What Psalm did they read? 
3. What are the 5 ideas that Mennonite Central Committee was founded on? 


ALL PROCEEDS are given to the Mennonite Central Committee to demonstrate God’s love by working to improve living conditions in many communities.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


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