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May Mileage Challenge

Fri May 1 - Sun May 31 Medford, OR 97501 US Directions


PO Box 665
Medford, OR US 97501


This is a month long FREE event!  We hope this will motivate you to keep moving through these uncertain times, so we can all return to races in the Fall in tip top shape!

Track your miles that you run, jog or walk from May 1 through May 31 and submit your miles by June 7th to receive swag with our brand new logo on it! This will be honor system but we would be happy to see pictures of your Strava showing your miles. Please don't hesitate to post your runs, running selfies to our Facebook page so we can see all your accomplishments and beautiful, sweaty faces we are all missing so dearly! 

30-50 mile- receive a hat

51-70 mile receive a T-shirt

71-160 miles receive a hat and a T-shirt

160+ miles receive a hoodie

Challenge Starts May 1 and ends May 31st. Submit your mileage to us with your Shirt size and a good mailing address by June 7th to


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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