Thank you for your support of Susan G. Komen Philadelphia and our 2020 Virtual MORE THAN PINK Walk!
Please share your photos and memories by using #MTPWalkPhilly20.
The Walk season is now closed, and we’re happy to share our community rallied successful to keep our mission moving through their participation and fundraising! As we all continue to navigate the challenges of a COVID-19 world, your activism in the work of Komen Philadelphia is more critical than ever. Please continue to remain involved and donate what you can so we can help ensure that every person in our community—every one of your neighbors, your coworkers, your family, yourself—has the support they need to fight and survive breast cancer, despite the financial impact of the pandemic.
Again, thank you for your loyal support. Click here to donate and explore ways you can remain involved in our mission to end breast cancer!
Walk Contact Info
If you have any questions about this Walk, click the button below.