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Run 4 Their Lives Roanoke in Partnership with Straight Street

Sat September 9, 2017 Roanoke, VA 24016 US Directions


4 Miler Walk/Run

9:00AM EDT

Kids Fun Run

8:30AM EDT
Open to ages 3 - 12.

Run 4 Their Lives


Straight Street, 333 Luck Ave
Roanoke, VA US 24016


Run 4 Their Lives is a Freedom 4/24 event that raises awareness and funds to bring sexually exploited women and children into freedom.

Freedom 4/24 is partnering with a local organization, Straight Street, for this event: Straight Street is located in Roanoke, Virginia. Its mission is to provide a positive Christian environment where at-risk youth can obtain the necessary skills and training needed to mature and discover God’s  plan for their lives. Services include youth ministry, teen MOPS, and crisis support. Straight Street’s newest initiative is Street Ransom, which enables the organization to work directly with trafficking victims by providing a shelter for those who have been rescued. Currently, it provides non-shelter support service for both juvenile and adult victims. This includes access to counseling, transportation for services and clothing/personal care items. Learn more at

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