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Pump It Up 5 Miler!

Sat May 10, 2025 Jericho, VT 05465 US Directions


5 Miler

$15 9:00AM EDT Registration ends May 8, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT


Jericho Elementary School
90 VT-15
Jericho, VT US 05465



Certified (VT13009JK) gently rolling 5 miler on Old Pump Rd. This is an out and back course on a dirt road that initially crosses over Browns River and then arcs along a couple of fields and along the tree line. It's a great tune-up race if you're training for VCM or another late spring race.



Entry Fee: $15 (GMAA members subtract $5)

  • Online pre-registration is strongly encouraged and closes at midnight on Thursday, May 8th.
  • All pre-registered runners will be entered into the raffle.
  • Day of race registration $20 cash or check 8:00-8:45am
  • Early race packet pickup held on Friday, May 9th at Ski Rack Noon-6pm
  • Race day packet pickup will be open 8:00-8:45am in the alcove in front of Jericho Elementary School.
  • There will be no refunds, deferrals, or transfers.



Open to all runners 12 and older. For runners under the age of 12, the runner must be accompanied by a parent or guardian throughout the race.



Aid Station on course with water at miles 1.75 & 3.25

Water and post race refreshments will be available at the finish line.



There will be two porta-potties located on the grass in the parking area in front of the school. 



Awards for the overall top finishers in the men’s, women’s, non-binary and under 18 category. All pre-registered runners will be automatically entered into the raffle prizes.

We do not plan to announce awards after the race, instead raffle prizes will be distributed at packet pickup and finisher prizes will be handed out at the finish line.



The Jericho Elementary School parking lot. Please DO NOT park at Palmer Lane Maple.



Cari Causey & Liz Hollenbach:

NOTE: GMAA/Insurance rules prohibit running with a baby jogger or dog. For safety reasons and as a courtesy to fellow runners, GMAA strongly discourages the use of headphones.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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