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Just Jesus Inc 5K Run/Walk

Saturday September 27, 2025 Tupelo, MS 38802 US Directions


Q: Do I have to be in a certain city/state to do this event?
A: Anyone can do the VIRTUAL 5K wherever you are, on your time between Saturday, September 28th and Saturday, October 5th.  This is great way for families and friends to stay active together, even if you don't live close to each other.  However, if you are registered for 5K In-Person event, you will need to toe the "Start Line" in front of the Tupelo City Hall  September 30th @ 7:30 AM.
Q: Do I have to run or can I walk?
A: You can run, walk, runwalk ... as long as you are purposefully moving and logging miles, it counts.
Q: Do I have to complete the 5K Virtual distance at one time?
A: Yes, since this is a "timed" event, you will need to complete the full  5k during one activity ... not multiple combined activities.
Q: Do I have to put in my miles outside?
A: Preferably you will be able to go outside so you can use our Live GPS tracking app, RaceJoy. See RaceJoy "How To" (click here). but if you need to complete your miles inside (on a treadmill, at the gym, etc.) that will be possible with the alternate reporting option.
Q: How do I record my miles/time?
A: The easiest and best way will be to utilize the RaceJoy app (click here)  ... you simply hit start on the app and it will register your time in results when you complete the 5K distance.  But, if you are unable to carry your phone; will be in a location with poor cell service; or need to complete your miles inside or on a treadmill, then there will be alternate ways to report your time.  You can upload directly to the RunSignUp system.  Just go to the Results Tab (click here)  and choose "Submit Virtual Results". Virtual results will be presented in a format similar to in person results, but for recognition only.



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