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Just Jesus Inc 5K Run/Walk

Saturday September 27, 2025 Tupelo, MS 38802 US Directions


Brother Kevin Wallace with Hope Family Ministries:

Do you ever wish you could GIVE like a famous rich person where everyone gets a car? Often, I wish I could give everyone a Bible from Just Jesus ministries. As I serve at Hope Family Ministries, GriefShare, Fathers in the Field and jail ministries; I don’t have to worry about where my next Bible is going to come from. I know when people like you and me give together when we can, “Just Jesus” will provide the need (s).

Mrs. Dana Foster with Beds for Kids:

“Beds for Kids” provides sturdy comfortable beds for kids that don’t have one. With each bed delivered we also provide an age-appropriate Bible. We are blessed to receive Bibles from Just Jesus inc. Last year we delivered 1,004 beds to kids in our area. Therefore, we provided 1,004 kids with Bibles on this own! 

Mr. & Mrs. Ray and Martha Crawford with YES Ministries:

One of the greatest blessings that we have received in the last two years has been from Caleb Rodgers. Caleb is a fine young man, who has a strong desire to serve our Lord. Despite daily dealing with physical disabilities, he keeps pressing forward to bring attention to his Heavenly Father. Caleb’s special ministry is called Just Jesus inc and has been such a help to YES Ministries. His ministry has supplied us with hundreds of Bibles, which have been placed in large area such as jails, prisons, drug rehabilitation facilities, homeless facilities, cancer centers, hospital waiting rooms, youth groups, visitor’s centers, church visitation teams, and other area. Caleb, his parents, and their Just Jesus inc are dedicated to getting the Word of the Lord out to the world. They have been such an enormous blessing to us as individuals, and to our YES Ministries. We have a tremendous respect for the Rodgers family. They are compassionate about, and dedicated to, supplying God’s Word to individuals and ministries so that it can be spread to as many as possible in this world. We thank them for commitment, friendship, love, and prayers. We treasure the moments we get to talk to Caleb and see his adoring smile. He encourages us to keep going and not ever stop serving the Lord. 

My name is (anonymous):

I go to (anonymous) school. I am 15 years old and in the Bible class at my school. Yesterday, our Bible teacher put your Bibles on our desk and told us your heart-warming story. I also love the Lord and I am so thankful for what you have done so other kids can learn to love Him too. If everyone in the world was like you, this world would be such a better place. Thank you so much for loving the Lord and for loving every other kid so much that you want them to know Jesus too an anonymous student





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