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LECOM 5K and 1-Mile Wellness Walk

Saturday August 9th, 2025 Erie, PA 16509 US Directions

Event FAQs

Live Event FAQs:

  • When is packet pickup? We will hold packet pickup for all participants on Friday, August 8th from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the LECOM Wellness Center 1st floor conference room. During that time, you may check into the race and pick up your race t-shirt and timing bib. You may also pick up your race packet on race day at the registration table beginning at 8:00 AM. Registration will end promptly at 8:45 AM on race day.
  • Do I have to be timed? Timing bibs are not required to be worn for this event. If you do not wish to be timed, please do not take a timing bib upon check-in. If you wish to be timed, please ensure your timing bib is securely pinned to your clothing on race day and that you pass through the start and finish line to accurately capture your race time. Please note that if you do not wish to be timed that you will not be eligible for a placement medal.
  • Will there be awards? Awards will be given to the top 3 male and female finishers in the 5K run after the majority of participants have crossed the finish line.
  • Will there be refreshments? Water and bananas will be available for all participants before and after the event. We will also have 2 water stations on the 5K course.
  • Will there be parking available? Free parking will be available for all participants in our North lot (across from the Wellness Center) and Northwest lot (across from Rite Aid). Millcreek and LECOM Police will be available to safely escort participants across Peach Street and West 54th Street.
  • What if it rains on race day? This event will be taking place rain or shine.
  • I am a LECOM student who is completing this event for community service credit. How do I submit proof of participation? If you would like to receive credit for this event, please submit your supporting documentation (proof of event registration and community service documentation) to

Virtual Event FAQs:

  • What is a virtual event? A virtual event is an event you can complete anytime and anywhere! There isn't a set time or place since virtual runs are meant for you to complete at your own convenience and at your own pace.
  • How do I submit my time? The completion of the virtual event is on the honor system- so there is no need for you to submit your time. If you'd like, you may post your results directly on our registration website to see how your time compares with other participants across the country. Once you have completed your walk/run, just wear your new t-shirt with pride!
  • Is there a specific app we need to use to track our time? You can track your time with any app, watch, or fitness device that you would like.
  • Can I complete my virtual run before I have received my t-shirt? You don't have to wait to receive your t-shirt in the mail- you can complete your run at any time. T-shirt will be mailed out within 30 days of the conclusion of the virtual event, which ends on September 30th. If you do not receive your t-shirt within 30 days, please send us a message through our main registration page.
  • I am a LECOM student who is completing this event for community service credit. How do I submit proof of participation? If you would like to receive credit for this event, please submit your supporting documentation (proof of event registration and community service documentation) to

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