Olympic Bike Course (scroll down for Sprint & Super Sprint)
View the map, the cue sheet, and download the course to your smart device HERE
As the traffic on State Highway 516 (Kent-Kangley Rd) increases on Saturday Morning, the management of the backup of vehicles becomes more dangerous and difficult in the areas west, south, and east of the park. For that reason, we have put in place a bike skip-ahead for Olympic Distance athletes. You must complete the first 13.5 miles of the bike course within 1 hour and 52 minutes. This is at the intersection of Auburn Black-Diamond Road and Lake Holm road - the "Kelly Latte's" intersection. You will arrive at that intersection at mile 5 for the first time and take a right to do the Lake Holm/Lake Moneysmith loop. On your 2nd visit to that intersection at mile 13.5, all cyclists must be through by 8:55. If you arrive after 8:55, you'll be required to turn left and will become a Sprint athlete for the remaining bike and run the 5K instead of the 10K.
If you're concerned that you won't make a cut-off, you might consider switching to the sprint distance race and tackling the Olympic distance next year!
If you find yourself on the bike course sometime after 9:30, you may be faced with an open intersection at Kent-Kangley Rd and Kent-Black Diamond Rd. A volunteer will meet you at the intersection and help you navigate the crosswalks to get back to transition where you can continue with the run and then cross the finish line.