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ChadTough Defeat DIPG Superhero Sprint & 6K

Thu May 1 - Sat May 31, 2025



Virtual Runner with Shirt

$43.40 incl. $3.40 Fee Registration ends May 17, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

Virtual Runner with No Shirt

$27.50 incl. $2.50 Fee Registration ends May 17, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

Super Power Pet with Bandana

$27.50 incl. $2.50 Fee Registration ends May 17, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT


The 10th Annual ChadTough Defeat DIPG Superhero Sprint & 6K, presented by Headfirst Summer Camps, is a fun and meaningful way to contribute to the fight against childhood brain tumors. This year's event is entirely virtual to allow all of our supporters the flexibility to participate whether you are near or far. Our virtual participants may sign up to walk, run, or do the activity of your choice, on your own, anytime in May 2025. You can also sign up your pet to participate, and they will receive a Superhero 6K pet bandana!
Some families may gather supporters together to walk or run in their community. Please seek information from your team captain or check back here for a list of local gatherings as they become available.

Important Dates

Friday, February 28 - Last day for Early Bird registration. Prices go up March 1, 2025.  
Monday, March 3 - Deadline to meet race team goals for child's name on back of shirt.
Wednesday, April 9 - Last day to register to receive shirt/bib/bandana by May 1, 2025 (Brain Tumor Awareness Month). 
Thursday, April 24 - Last day to register to receive shirt/bib/bandana by May 17, 2025 (DIPG Awareness Day).
April 25 - May 17 - Shirts/bandanas will ship in June.
Saturday, May 17 - Last day for registration.
We will be working hard to get race shirts and bibs mailed out as quickly as possible, in accordance with the dates outlined above. We ask for your understanding if there are delays beyond our control with the U.S. Postal Service. 

Local Events

Check back soon, as we will update this space with any local events hosted in honor of our childhood cancer superheroes, as part of the Virtual Superhero 6K!

Honoring Our Childhood Brain Cancer Superheroes

BACK FOR 2025!  The Superhero 6K is so special because of the many families who participate in honor of their kids. It's the children who are our heroes! This year we will again be listing the names of kids who have inspired the Superhero 6K race teams on the back of the race shirt as our 2025 Childhood Brain Cancer Superheroes
How do you make this happen? The team needs to meet one or both of the participation goals listed below by MARCH 3, 2025:
  1. Create a race team in honor of a child who has fought (or is currently fighting) childhood brain cancer and get a minimum of 10 people to register on your team, AND/OR
  2. Create a fundraiser and raise a minimum of $500. 

We encourage you to get your team set up and spread the word right away! To meet our printing deadline, teams must complete one of the participation goals by March 3, 2025, to have their child's name added for this year's shirt. Once you reach your goal, the team captain(s) will be contacted to confirm the child's name.

History of the Superhero 6K

The Mosier family created the Superhero 6K race in 2016 in honor of their son Michael Mosier, a 6-year-old little boy from Bethesda, MD, who battled DIPG for 8.5 months before passing away in May 2015. This is our 10th Annual Superhero 6K event, marking 10 years since Michael passed away. It has been an honor for this event to include many dozens of childhood cancer families over the years, and we can't wait to welcome back so many supporters who participate in honor of many special childhood cancer fighters.
All proceeds from the race will benefit ChadTough Defeat DIPG Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which the Mosier family co-founded alongside the Carr family. In the fight for a DIPG/DMG cure, we help patients and families by funding game-changing research and providing navigation throughout their journey.
Brain tumors are the leading cause of childhood cancer death for children and adolescents under the age of 19. DIPG (diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma) is the most lethal form of pediatric brain cancer. There is now hope for progress in the battle against DIPG, and your participation can make an impact and help save these kids' lives!  

Presenting Sponsor

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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