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Sunday September 21st, 2025 8:30AM (7AM arrival) Directions
Countdown to Race Day



$48.70 $38.10 incl. $3.10 Fee
($0: Ages 0 - 10) ($16.90: Ages 11 - 17)
8:30AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT Price increases after April 30, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

1 Mile Fun Run & Walk

$48.70 $38.10 incl. $3.10 Fee
($0: Ages 0 - 10) ($16.90: Ages 11 - 17)
8:35AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT Price increases after April 30, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT



All proceeds benefit Pathfinders for Autism!

Saturday September 21, 2025

Please join Pathfinders for Autism for our 15th Annual Run Wild for Autism. We are thrilled to be hosting our 15th year to bring a day of awareness, competition and fundraising for the community. We look forward to seeing you on September 21st as we return to our traditional course at the Maryland Zoo and Druid Hill Park


Maryland Zoo in Baltimore
1 Safari Place
Baltimore, MD US 21217

Race Information


Race FEES (includes t-shirt, Zoo passes and supports the mission of Pathfinders for Autism)

$35 Adults until 4/30/25! Price increases 5/1/25
$15 Youth (ages 11-17) until 4/30/25! Price increases 5/1/25
Children 10 and under FREE, with registered adult

Register by noon on September 1st to guarantee a t-shirt.

Race registration fees (and the processing charge from RunSignup) are not refundable. These funds are used to pay for race premiums, permits, supplies, staffing, and other costs incurred before, during, and after the event is held. To be consistent and fair to everyone we cannot make exceptions to this policy.


Become an event sponsor and promote your business to hundreds of attendees while supporting a great cause.

Get your company to put together a corporate team and receive 10 standard race entries (additional race entries and sponsorship opportunities available based on team fundraising) - includes chip timing, t-shirts, Zoo admission, giveaways, and refreshments.

Sponsors may pay online through this link. 


The most important component to Run Wild for Autism is our families and partners coming together to raise funds that help us continue to serve the autism community. Your dollars allow the PFA staff to offer resources, training - both in person and virtual, and recreation events. It is because of YOU that we have been and will continue to serve our families. Here is a helpful guide to help you get started fundraising for Run Wild!

There are many great fundraising incentives for raising funds that support PFA programs. 


Run Wild can only succeed with the support of volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering or know someone who is, please register here: Run Wild Volunteers – Pathfinders for Autism


There will be several opportunities in various convenient locations to pick up your race materials before race day so that you will be ready to go when you arrive on Saturday.  If you are unable to attend the pre-race packet pick up sessions you are also able to pick up your race materials on-site on race day.  


– 15th Annual Run Wild for Autism t-shirt (Register by noon on August 29th to guarantee a shirt.)
– Race managed by Blue Cheetah Sports Timing
– ZOO ADMISSION: Individuals registered for the in-person race will receive Zoo passes, good for September 21st ONLY.


Top Male Finisher
Top Female Finisher
Top Male Finisher in the following age brackets: 1-10, 11-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+
Top Female Finisher in the following age brackets: 1-10, 11-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+
Top Overall Fundraising Team
Top Individual Fundraiser


Pathfinders for Autism is a statewide organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with autism and their families. The organization was founded in 2000 by parents of children with autism, including Baltimore Orioles Hall of Famer William "B.J." Surhoff and his wife Polly Winde Surhoff. Pathfinders for Autism works to support and improve the lives of individuals with autism through expansive, customized programming, and by providing resources, training, information and activities free of charge.


Coming Soon!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Courses

Single loop 5K Course

1M Course Map


Maryland Zoo in Baltimore
1 Safari Place
Baltimore, MD US 21217

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