Runners' Information
MANASQUAN TURKEY TROT - Information you need to know! 41st Annual
Thanks for being a part of the Manasquan Turkey Trot. Enjoy & Thanks for the Support!
All Registration is closed, No Registration race week or race day.
Pre-Race Pickup Schedule - Bib (numbers) & T-Shirts can be picked up before the race. You (or a friend or family member) can pick up the bib. Avoid a rush & pick up your stuff before race day. All bibs are to be picked up (they won't be mailed)! Important: Bibs must be worn on front on race day.
Thursday Night, Nov 21 and Friday Night, Nov 22, 5:30 - 7:30 PM at Leggett's Sand Bar, 217 First Avenue, Manasquan
Race Day Event Schedule:
9:00 AM – Pickup location: 69 Second Ave, Manasquan, NJ 08736. T-shirts must be picked up by 12:30pm Race Day, after which shirts will be given to Volunteers. NO EXCEPTIONS, NO MAILINGS, NO REGISTRATION on raceday.
10 AM - Start of One Mile Fun Run - on 1st Ave north of Ocean Avenue (near house # 61 Ocean Avenue).
11 AM - Start of 5 Mile - On 1st Ave, south of E. Main Street. Please be at starting area at 15 minutes before start. Line up in accordance with your speed – Swiftest runners at the front.
Information / Problems - Email us at, or Check in at the “Help Desk”, near the registration tent on race day. Visit us on Facebook and Instagram.
Recognition and Finish - Medals only to finishers age 12 and under in One Mile only. Awards to top 20 Male & Female finishers in Five Mile race. Both events finish on Second Ave near Little League Field. Official Race photos posted at Please note that the Manasquan Turkey Trot does not compile complete results.
Parking – Street Parking will available in the surrounding streets except for 2nd Ave. Extra parking at three lots - 3rd Ave just north of Main St.; 4th Ave just South of Main St. & 3rd & Pompano Avenue.
Restrooms – Port-O-Johns are located in the Park. You may also use facilities at Leggett’s & Main Beach Pavilion.
Water - It is important for runners to drink plenty of water prior to, during and after the race. Water is available before & after the race in parking lot of the Little League field. Water is available during the race on the course.
Safety - For the safety and enjoyment of all Turkey runners the course is restricted to registered runners & race personnel. Dogs, skateboards, any skates, bicycles & baby joggers/strollers are prohibited. We ask that you don't use radio/recorder head phones or earbuds, and any headphones and earbuds must be removed before crossing the finish line chute. First Aid will be on site. Your safety is our first concern- please run safely & run smart. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded or you are seeing optical illusions (Like a Turkey) - STOP. Look for a volunteer or an official! Note: Time Limit for the 5 Mile is 90 minutes. IMPORTANT: for safety, only the registered runner will be permitted to cross the finish line - do not have children or other family members jump in to finish with you.
Course - See map of 5 mile route at this link: For the One Mile course Click Here
Post Race – Complimentary refreshments for all registrants are available at the ball field. Please be considerate of the other runners; take only one item per runner. Refreshments are for runners only! Shirt size exchanges race day only after finish. Music provided by Jersey Shore Running Club’s John O’Gorman.
OFFICIAL RUNNER'S PRE & POST RACE PARTIES (please support these sponsors)
LEGGETT’S SAND BAR, 217 First Avenue, Manasquan, (Race Headquarters)
THE SALTY WHALE, 390 E. Main Street , Manasquan,
REEF & BARREL, 153 Sea Girt Avenue, Manasquan,
Directions to Race - GSP Exit 98 to Rt. 34 south. After circle stay in right lane & take Manasquan exit. Follow Atlantic Avenue East to light. Make a right turn at light onto Main St. & follow Main to first available parking space close to 3rd or 4th Avenues - Quickly!
Sponsors - Thank you to our Sponsors.
See you on November 23!
Thank you,
Manasquan Turkey Trot Committee
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