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Miracle Miles- 5k/10k/1mile

Sat September 13, 2025 El Paso, TX 79938 US Directions

Sponsorship Levels

*For more info on Sponsor Levels, please contact Event Director via email:
** Invoice for payment will be sent upon completion of "Create Race Sponsor" page. 


Sponsorship Level: $10,000

Angel Level Sponsorship includes:

-Vendor booth (see Vendor tier below for important info)
-All Hero Level Perks
-Your logo on our official race flyer!
-Premier booth location with priority access. (A larger space directly next to the main staging area.)
-15 free race registrations
-Plus 10 additional race day t-shirts (please email us the requested sizes)
-Option to add up to 3 marketing materials to our race packets given to each registrant
-5 special story posts (1/week & 2 the week of race) starting a month before the race detailing your business's services and offerings
-A full dedicated post just for your brand! And a full follow up thank you post!
-Your business name AND a large logo on the back of our t-shirts given to every registered runner
-2 longer personalized shoutouts during our race announcements the day of the event
-PLUS advertising space along the main race route AND near awards podium
- A large sized logo on our event banners
-Your logo, and link to your website, social media, or landing page on our sponsor list
-A special thank you video from the impacted kids your donations are going to, available to be shared in reel format for posting.

Become a Sponsor: Angel


Sponsorship Level: $6,000

Hero Level Sponsorship includes:

-Vendor booth (see Vendor tier below for important info)
-All Friend Level Perks
-10 free race registrations
-Plus 5 additional race day t-shirts (please email us the requested sizes)
-Option to add up to 1 marketing materials to our race packets given to each registrant
-Your business name AND a large logo on the back of our t-shirts given to every registered runner
-Booth access to VIP Sponsor section which will be next to main staging area
-5 special story posts (1/week & 2 the week of race) starting a month before the race detailing your business's services and offerings
-1 full slide on our dedicated sponsor social media post & 1 full slide on our dedicated thank you post
-2 longer personalized shoutouts during our race announcements the day of the event 
-PLUS advertising space along the main race route
- A large sized logo on our event banners
-Your logo, and link to your website, social media, or landing page on our sponsor list

Become a Sponsor: Hero

Sponsorship Level: $3,000

Friend Level Sponsorship includes:

 -Vendor booth (see Vendor tier below for important info)
-All Gold Level Perks
-5 free race registrations
-Your business name AND a small logo on the back of our t-shirts given to every registered runner
-Booth access to VIP Sponsor section which will be next to main staging area
-3 special story posts 1-2 weeks before the race detailing your business's services and offerings
-1 full slide on our dedicated sponsor social media post.
-Follow up thank you post with our other sponsors
-A longer personalized shoutout during our race announcements the day of the event
- A medium sized logo on our event banners
-Your logo, and link to your website, social media, or landing page on our sponsor list

Become a Sponsor: Friend

Sponsorship Level: $1,500

Gold Level Sponsorship includes:

-Vendor booth (see Vendor tier below for important info)
-All Silver Level Perks
-3 free race registrations
-Your business name on the back of our t-shirts given to every registered runner
-A special story post a week before the race detailing your business's services and offerings
-A shoutout during our race announcements the day of the event
-Follow up thank you post with our other sponsors
-Mentions on our dedicated sponsor social media post
-Your logo, and link to your website, social media, or landing page on our sponsor list

Become a Sponsor: Gold

Sponsorship Level: $500

Silver Level Sponsorship includes:

-Vendor booth (see Vendor tier below for important info)
-Mentions on our dedicated sponsor social media post
-Your logo, and link to your website, social media, or landing page on our sponsor list
-1 free race registration
-A small logo on our event banners
-A shoutout during our race announcements the day of the event
-Follow up thank you post with our other sponsors

Become a Sponsor: Silver


Sponsorship Level: $200

Vendor Level Sponsorship includes:

-Reserved section to set up your business's booth on race day. (Reservation slots will be based on a first come first serve basis, we will be sending out a map of booth locations for you to select your space in the coming weeks.)
-Mentions on our dedicated vendor social media posts
-Your logo, and link to your website, social media, or landing page on our sponsor list
 If you are a food vendor or provide wellness services (i.e. recovery, gym, therapy, mental health, etc.), we are offering a reduced rate to those who qualify. Food vendors will also be restricted to a specific section. Please reach out to us if you think you qualify and if you plan on vending directly from a food truck or other large vehicle.
All vendors will be required to bring their own tables/tents, a 20x20 space will be available. We recommend to bring stakes as we foresee winds in March. 

Become a Sponsor: Vendor


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