
Free Parking:
Crocker Park has 7 free parking garages and one paid parking garage on the property:
- Crocker Road Garage - Located just off Crocker Road
- Main Street Garage - Located off Early Lane and Center St.
- American Greetings Garage - Located at the end of American Blvd. This garage is free after 5pm Mon-Fri and on the weekends.
- Crocker Road Garage - Located just off Crocker Road
- Main Street Garage - Located off Early Lane and Center St.
- Union Street Garage - Located on Union St. and Vine St.
- Vine Street Garage - Located on Vine St. and Union St.
- Promenade Parking Lot - Beyond the first row of parking spots in the Promenade, you will have access to free parking. Located on Detroit Rd.
- Detroit Road Garage - Free 30 minute parking and free parking with Regal Cinemas ticket stub. Validate at Regal customer service.
Paid Parking:
- Detroit Garage - Located on S.S Comet Road and just off Crocker Road, this garage hosts 3 electric car charging stations. $1 each hour after 30 minutes, $6 maximum up to 24 hours. Cheaper than meter parking.
Extra Parking:
- American Greetings Parking - Located on American Boulevard and just off Crocker Road, this garage allows FREE parking on weekdays after 5pm and all weekend long.
Coin Meter Parking:
- There are metered parking sports that take quarters throughout Main Street and Crocker Park Blvd.
- Behind the Cheesecake Factory, there is a parking lot full of metered parking spots that take quarters.
Credit Cart Meter Parking:
- By the Hyatt, you will find metered parking that takes credit cards
- In the Promenade parking lot, the first-row parking is metered and takes credit card.