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Completing a sprint triathlon is totally an attainable goal for almost everyone, even for someone who might not be in shape or consider themselves very “athletic”. It just takes commitment and a lot of baby steps. We have created a simple 12-week training program that will have you 100% prepared to complete MomsTRI and have an amazing experience while doing it! If you currently are not active, please consult your doctor before starting any training program. It is important to have a solid fitness base before starting this program. Make sure that you can walk and bike 20-30 minutes continuously before starting this training program.
This training program can work for everyone but is especially designed for beginners. You can do any stroke for the swim at MomsTRI. We will even have kick boards available that you can use at any point in the swim. However, freestyle is definitely the most efficient stroke. If swimming is not your strong point, you might want to ask a friend or hire a swim coach to give you some pointers. It is NEVER too late to learn a new skill! You can do this! The swim workouts are interval based. Swim the given distance and then rest the stated time before beginning the next interval. For example, the Saturday swim workout in week 2 is “Swim 4x50m, rest 20 seconds then swim 8-10x25m, rest 15 seconds.” To complete this workout after warming up 5-10 minutes, first swim 50 meters and rest for 20 seconds before swimming the next 50-meter interval. Repeat this until you have completed four 50 meter intervals. Next begin with the first 25-meter interval, rest 15 seconds before beginning your second 25-meter interval. Repeat until you have completed 8-10 25-meter intervals. If you need more rest time between intervals, take it! Listen to your body and do YOUR best.
The bike and run training are based on time, not distance. Feel free to go as slow as you need. If you can’t run the whole time, alternate between jogging and walking. Depending on your speed, by the end of the program you may very well be over shooting the distances of the triathlon but that will only help your endurance. To give you an idea of how long each leg of the triathlon may take, here are some general times for each leg (fastest – slowest).
400 Meter Swim: 5-20 minutes
12 Mile Bike: 30-60 minutes
3 Mile Run: 20-50 minutes
Starting at week 5, you will begin biking and running back to back (a.k.a. bricks). Brick workouts are an essential part of any triathlon training program. You will quickly realize that as you transition from biking to running your legs will feel like “bricks” for the first 5-10 minutes of the run. By practicing back to back biking and running your body will learn how to push through the beginning of the run and you will mentally be ready for that heavy feeling.
The key to any training program is consistency. However, if you get sick or life gets in the way for a few days, don’t stress out over it. Just pick back up as soon as you can. Remember, the whole point is to have fun and become a stronger, healthier you!