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Lake Norman State Park Sprint

Saturday - April 26, 2025 Troutman, NC 28166 US Directions



$65 - $135 8:00AM EDT
Events: Individual Relay Aquabike


Lake Norman State Park
759 State Park Rd.
Troutman, NC US 28166


*  Conveniently located just 6 miles from the Mooresville Exit off I-77
*  Lake Norman State Park provides Charlotte area participants with a race that's close-by yet rural in nature.  
*  Participants will be able to park immediately adjacent to the main race site. 
*  The park boasts one of the regions largest mountain biking network, offering over 30 miles of single-track trail and also contains a family campground with 32 sites.

Race Start Tme

8:00 am

Race Distances

Swim:  750 meters
Bike:  18 miles
Run:  5K

Packet Pick-Up

Location:  Race Site

•   Friday, April 25th  (5:00 PM - 7:00 PM) @ Race Site  Google map
•   Saturday, April 26th  (6:00 AM - 7:30 AM) @ Race Site  Google map

Important things to remember :

•   A photo ID is required for packet pick-up.
•   Cash, Check or Credit Card are accepted.
•   All participants must pick up their own race packet. (Including all relay team members)


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

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