What is the PES Read-A-Thon?
Read to Raise a Playground!
The PES Read-A-Thon is to help the PTA raise funds towards the purchase of new playground equipment!
As a school we have pledged to read 100,000 minutes and raise $30,000! Help us meet our goal and raise donations for the PTA on the way.
Here's how it works:
- Sign up under your teacher.
- Write your bio and make a personal reading goal of how many minutes you'll read over the course of the event.
- Share with friends and family and ask for donations as you work toward your reading goal.
- Get reading! Reading can be done independently, with a parent or sibling, you can even read to your pet!
- Log in your reading minutes regularly.
Let the competition begin. The event will run from 11/21-12/6.
Donations Raised Towards Our Goal
Raised of $30,000
Reading Challenge Time Remaining
Lap 1